The Korg microKORG Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary

Korg released this video, featuring a variety of musicians that use the microKorg offering their birthday wishes on the instrument’s 10 anniversary.

The microKorg combines a wide range of capabilities in an affordable package. And it has now been used on countless recordings.

We’re a little surprised that the Korg microKorg is already celebrating its 10th anniversary – but it was originally introduced in 2002.

The range of microKorg users makes me wonder – is the Korg microKorg a modern classic? Let me know what you think.


11 thoughts on “The Korg microKORG Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary

  1. IMO it’s the most iconic synth of the noughties, occupying the same kind of stature as the DX7 in the 80s or the Minimoog in the 70s. A great little synth to boot if you can get your head around the programming.

  2. I am sure that Microkorg is a kind of a classic. But idea of just manufacturing it and celebrating it is quite strange: It’s not acoustic violin. Why Korg does not develope it further? Ok, we got new XL version, but it’s not that much better. And still there are people who like “the classic” model better.

    To sum it, To me this celebration is like celebrating 10 year old PC or Mac. I am sure they were great at that moment, but come on…

  3. I am sure ther must be a new micro korg in the pipe. But beyond that, Korg is clearly pushing the “small toy” enveloppe. have a look at the recent launches, they are small and look like toys.

  4. I’ve had mine for 8 years now. It was my first analogue modelling synth and I use it on almost all my tracks for something, whether it’s bass, bells, arpeggio, or strings. It’s no longer my “main” synth by any stretch, but it’s designed well and packs a lot of sonic character into a small package. Will never get rid of mine.

  5. I own one and can tell you that no software can compare to the big BASS and sound this thing puts out, the sound will move your speakers and cause wind to hit you in the face from the port on the speaker.

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