PreenFM Synth Gets Firmware Update


Developer Xavier Hosxe, creator of the DIY PreenFM sound module, has released a firmware update.

Hosxe says that the most interesting feature is the addition of “2 step sequencers that can be routed in the matrix and sent to the modulation indexes or to one of the 32 other available destinations.” Hosxe previews this in the video, above.

Here’s what’s new in firmware 1.51:

  • 2 steps sequencer routable in the matrix
  • 4 additional rows in the modulation matrix. So we have now 12 rows.
  • “test note” allow working on the step sequencer without external keyboard/sequencer.
  • All oscillator frequencies at once available in the matrix destinations.
  • UI enhancement such as holding an edit button go through the menu in reverse order.

The firmware update is a free download from the preenFM site.

One thought on “PreenFM Synth Gets Firmware Update

  1. if you haven’t built a synth from a kit this is a great place to start. The directions are clear, the parts are well labeled and there’s no exotic test equipment required. I’ve built a fair number of synth kits and this was probably the easiest to assemble. Oh, and its polyphonic and it sounds great and it’s less obtuse to program than the TX81Z that’s gathering dust in my rack.
    And no, I have no business or personal affiliation with Mr. Hosxe other than as a satisfied customer.

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