Chris at ohdratdigital offers his take on the Teenage Engineering OP-1 synthesizer:
The Teenage Engineering OP-1 is a synth, sampler, and virtual four track tape recorder all in a chassis that looks akin to a classic home synth instrument – the Casio VL Tone looks like it might have been a big design inspiration. In our epic review we go through our likes and dislikes about the instrument, show you some sounds, and show off a beat we made by performing it live.
The review includes a demo and some beatmaking, which kick in around 5:30. The audio is direct in, so it offers a preview of what the OP-1 is capable of.
Thank you young British John Cusack! Great video!
Great review. Very thorough and fair. Great example of using the op 1 with final track.
sample from radio equals law suit if you ever plan to release it
shit you´re right. sucks from them for including it as a feature.
This guys reviews and NAMM coverage have been really thorough. Really enjoyed checking them out.
probably next on “to get list …give away both electribes for this. there is clipping in the vid yes?
this plus octatrack = swedish porn.
The OP-1 is an unappreciated modern classic, much like the hybrid pencil/hitler mustache.
$849? No thanks. Ridiculous.