Liine has released three ‘Lemurized’ templates for controlling NI Reaktor ensembles, developed by Antonio Blanca.
Here’s what Liine has to say about them:
Antonio Blanca is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to interface design. He’s created Lemur templates for many popular Reaktor factory ensembles. We present here three of these beautiful and unique creations which are sure to inspire musicians, composers and sound designers alike. They come bundled with adapted “Lemurized” versions of the original Reaktor ensembles allowing for full Lemur control via OSC. Sound designers Richard Devine, Antonio Blanca and Miguel Isaza have contributed sound examples to further enhance your Lemur multi-touch experience. Best of all, AB Lemur Bundle is completely free of charge.
Lemur for iPad and Reaktor required. Lemur is $49.99 in the App Store.
See the Liine site for details and the download.