Reader Stefan sent word about an unsual sound app for iOS, Noisemusick:
I’ve come across a nifty little iOS app called Noisemusick by Fluxama which is a rendition of circuit board kits done in 2007 by Jessica Rylan.
And since I couldn’t find any videos that demos the app I’ve done one myself.
Here’s that video demo:
More info and specifications for the app are available at the Fluxama site.
How cool is that… the apple store I go…..
Creating this sense of feeling alien and out of place, a widespread unease sometimes deepening into despair, is built-in the experience of modernity. Exile for the intellectual in this metaphysical sense is restlessness, movement, constantly being unsettled, and unsettling others.
Official demo video has been created!
Getting a nice Forbidden Planet vibe…