James Middleton – Fluorescence


ReaderĀ James Middleton shared his video for Fluorescence, noting:

My song, “Fluorescence,” is really about 14 years old — but I rerecorded it between 2010 and 2011. The original track I did using a VFX-SD back in 1997 or 1998. The new track (that you hear in this video) was realized using only software VST instruments on a modified Dell PC, using Cubase 4.51, played using an M-Audio KeyRig 49.

The synths that I used are as follows:

Korg Mono/Poly
Native Instruments Battery 3, FM8, and Kontakt 3
Spectraonics Omnisphere

Middleton adds that he’sĀ hoping to release a new album in a few months.

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