New Cosmosƒ Synthesizer Lets You Explore ‘Parallel Universes’

Sonic-Lab has released a major update to Cosmosƒ – its real-time dynamic stochastic synthesis engine, which is designed to generate sonic textures with a complex event distribution process:

Discrete sonic events of certain density are distributed in a time space with their onset time and duration parameter calculated with stochastic/deterministic functions. Each macro event defines the duration of a meso space, and the sub events are distributed inside it. The overall goal of these functions is to achieve control on each event space and perform the process of change on the appropriate operation level. The user intervenes with the system in real-time by inputting a sound source or accessing different type of synthesis/modulation generators and by controlling the parameters for the sonic event distribution on different time scales.

Previous versions of Cosmosƒ offered a single cycle of events distributed in a macro cell with defined start, duration and ending. Now Cosmosƒ V2 offers a second cycle running in parallel with the primary one, and more.

 Here’s a preview of Cosmosƒ V2 in action:

Cosmosƒ is priced at 89.00€. Details and a demo version are available at the Sonic Lab site.

If you’ve used Cosmosƒ, let us know what you think of it!

4 thoughts on “New Cosmosƒ Synthesizer Lets You Explore ‘Parallel Universes’

  1. wow. it looks like something you’d use to control the moon landing. Seems like you can get some pretty other-worldly sounds out of it, nice for soundtrack/sfx work I would guess

  2. ‘Real-time dynamic stochastic synthesis’ *sounds* cool until you look at it and realize it’s basically a granular/additive model like Alchemy. It’s a stunning interface, but that sound demo wasn’t exactly massively inspiring…

    1. I agree. Granular, like most things in life, seems to be at it’s strongest when used with some subtlety. If you take demos from most granular synths and listen to them without looking at the interface video, or reading any descriptions, it all sounds pretty much like the same noise, and not interesting for very long. And the sample you put in has very little to do with the sound coming out when you push parameters to the extremes. But when you dial it back you can get some really sweet sounds. Grain Science, Alchemy and Pad Shop are great examples of that.

      All that being said, I’m sure this is a pretty cool synth when used with more subtlety. But glitchy scratchy noise seems to be the go-to sound for granular demos.

  3. I’ve used Cosmos for over a year now, this upgrade just rocks!

    This the most unconventional synth out there. On the surface, its engine produces events similar to granular type synthesis. BUT, similarities stop at the basic processes of parsing sound.

    Cosmos takes a sonic event, vaporizes it, divides it and distributes its parts along multiple different timelines following a variety of chosen equations, then allows the spread out event to mutate/evolve and be infinitely varied by the same equations (and by other controls) Cosmos is good at evolving drone noisescapes by juxtaposing several looping events over several simultaneous timelines

    I liken Cosmos to self replicating galactic birthplace of stars and a massive black hole. A Big Bang machine. A devourer and maker of sonic worlds.

    It takes some skill and lots of imagination to use it correctly and fully, but the results are unreal. A single compositional cell, a one shot stinkin sample immediately takes a life of its own and self populates a universe of multiple space time variables resulting in controlled chaos.

    Not for kids or people who write pop sort of stuff. Improvisers, avant garde people, composers, loop fanatics, noise heads, PAY ATTENTION: This is the software that will change how you think.

    The demos don’t do Cosmos justice. The developer tried to demo it in a generic sense, keeping it simple. In reality, the more you push the software, the more amazing the sound.

    Check out something made with Cosmos and a couple of analog gear.

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