In the latest episode of Sonic Touch, via sonicstate, Gaz focusses on controlling Ableton Live, using Liine’s Griid and Touchable. Nick takes a look at Caustic 2 for Android.
In the latest episode of Sonic Touch, via sonicstate, Gaz focusses on controlling Ableton Live, using Liine’s Griid and Touchable. Nick takes a look at Caustic 2 for Android.
Just goes to show how far behind android actually is with audiobus and loopers update this week , looking at caustic is like starting up the ol floppy disk on my c64 again, yet nowhere as cool why bother with android if this is all they can produce!
Just goes to show how far behind android actually is with audiobus and loopers update this week , looking at caustic2 is like starting up the ol floppy disk on my c64 again, yet nowhere as cool why bother with android if this is all they can produce!