8 thoughts on “First Laser Foot Pedalboard Like A Laser Harp For Your Feet

  1. Very cool idea. If there were two lasers for each note, one just slightly above the other, it would be possible to have velocity sensing. Ultimately, this type of sensing could be part of a more standard hardware enclosure (as I would expect that it would be more durable than the little silicone strips, as well). But it wouldn’t have the dazzling visual effect of brightly colored lights and homely tube socks.

  2. Unless you have eyes on your knees, this would require a lot of practice to become fluent. On the plus side, it removes ugly bunions while you play.

  3. Wow, it really works! Although he was playing it conservatively, you can smell the coolness. I’d like to see if it could be played more rapidly, like an organ’s pedal board, too. It clearly requires a change in technique, but with lasers as triggers, you should be able to trigger as fast as you like.

    I’m usually fairly impressed by accomplishments like this, but I also wonder how its more than a one-off novelty. You either emulate traditional instrument roles or try to grab the audience with something rather esoteric that has an iffy chance of being fully comprehended musically. In other words, do we like such inspired tools because they have growth potential or because we’re GUYS? For every solid entrant like the QuNeo, which coves several bases in a practical manner, we see a dozen oddities that all but puzzle me when I consider the iffy, longer-term usefulness factor. How do you guys decide on the line between ‘Real Tool I Want To Embrace For 10 Years’ and ‘Boy, That Sure Is Shiny?’ I like to give due respect, but isn’t there also a bit of a litmus test for practicality? Just tryin’ not be be a Luddite. 😛

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