Integrating Controllers With EigenD

This video, by Mark Harris, takes a look at integration of controllers with EigenD – a free and open source performance environment.

Here’s what Harris has to say about it:

In this video, I reveal a new EigenD agent I have written that allows a much deeper integration of controllers into the EigenD world.

This new agent converts midi into the much higher resolution and higher rate signals used by EigenD, it also supports 3 dimensions on every key press, strip controllers, breath and pedals.

Finally, it supports midi voice per channel and 14 bit midi for higher resolution and more expressive control. (useful for newer controllers like Madrona Soundplane, Haken Continuum, Linnstrument and iPad apps)

I demo a simple midi keyboard setup and move onto an unusual Leap Motion setup, then a iPad ThumbJam setup and finally Eigenharp Pico connecting via a second instance of EigenD on a different machine. (ThumbJam/Pico demo voice per channel)

Included in the video is some information on how this is all setup.

Note: I’ve not yet released the ‘midi device’ agent, as I’m still improving it, but it will be made available soon along with all my other agents – it will be free and also open source.

EigenD is available for download at the EigenLabs site.

7 thoughts on “Integrating Controllers With EigenD

    1. You have to realize though that this EigenD software ain’t just for Eigenharps. And it is free.

      Also, the Eigenharp and the Linnstrument seem like totally different animals to me.

  1. They are different, and Geert Bevin – who in many ways is the public face of the Eigenharp and the main driving force behind the EigenD software – is helping Roger Linn with the software for the Linnstrument. They’re not really competing; does an oboe compete with a viola? 😉

  2. does an oboe compete with a viola?
    Of course they do , what a stupid question. The viola is seriously tedious whilst the oboe is just lame.

    1. If you are attempting to be ironic you are seriously unskilled in that department. If you mean what you say, a thousand years of classical musicians will haunt you to your grave.

  3. I deserve it, I am haunted by all this software shite on the supposed synthesizers sites, so more haunting I suppose I will have to get used to it.

  4. This looks pretty indepth. I’d fear by the time I messed about with all this my creative ambitions would have long deserted me. There are people in the music business a bit like computer programmers. They love wee boxes and lines all connecting to each other along a signal path and spending ages getting something to work. The crunchy mod wheel being used for the bow modulation..load up native instruments and assign the bow to the mod wheel and’re ready to go. Here it’s a bit like Einstein in his shed..a rather big shed mind you. But look, whatever keeps ye happy. I couldn’t work with that’s not very inspiring looking at a pile of wee boxes and he calls it…A Rats Nest. But he’s a smart guy..sure it will get better and I do see the possibilities it has..of course I do…and yeah I also know it’s free..

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