Wilsonic is a new app for iPad that is designed to let you explore the microtonal systems of scale theorist Ervin Wilson.
Here’s what developer Marcus Satellite has to say about the app:
Ervin Wilson’s 65 years of tuning research and discovery are now at your fingertips. By touching, hearing, and feeling Wilson’s designs you can break free of the limits of the 12 note scale used by historical musical instruments to pioneer new music never-before heard by mankind.
The app features 3 of Wilson’s most profound scale designs. Your hands and ears naturally find new melodic patterns and harmonies that touch on those feelings and emotions you couldn’t find before. When you find that perfect scale export it as a Scala file to tune up your favorite software synthesizers. Share your favorite scales with your friends.
No previous knowledge of music theory is required. These tonal worlds are based on an entirely unique mode of thought that has little to do with historical musical thinking.
Wilsonic is available for US $2.99 in the App Store.
If you’ve used Wilsonic, leave a comment and share your thoughts on it!
no video?
what is strange is the other apps that they have
Perhaps the developer is sharing the ~100 dollar fee with someone.
This pretty funky microtonal keypad. Nice to have a layout that differs from anything else out there. Running it through Caramel & Turnado I got sounds that brought to mind early Microstoria (init Ding)
For a real world use, I’d opt for using Z3ta and some tuning maps. But this seems better for learning and hearing new chords.
I like the premise and the look of this app. Like somebody I read said…if you have scaleGen and Gestrument, this is pretty cool. Like someone else said here….the developers other apps are very strange and then releasing this app is an odd if interesting change of direction. Not necessarily a negative. Anyhow…this requires ios8?! Can anyone (Tim ) tell me is it ‘ok’ to update to 8 yet..if you have say, an ipad3? Are there still a lot of apps not working yet on ios8? Also…I just got iconnectmidi2+ and is ios8 going to cause a problem? If so no new app with the requirement to update is going to convince me. I’m happy with 7 for the most part.
Oh…also I’d like apesoft to do an app in this vein / area of creation as I just know they’d come up with something very interesting and uniquely quirky. ????
Or I could leave one of my guitars outside overnight…
Yeah you could…and even Brian eno would agree with you tgat the guitar in a sense is a more evolved instrument than the piano / keyboard concept as it more readily allows for various pitches that fall between the keys. For that matter, you might as well leave me an Oud which some might offer is even more flexible with tuning/pitches etc…but you’d be wasting your time as I kind of suck at stringed instruments lol. Can anyone please answer my ios8 question as I honestly need to know. tHANKS!
Nice, to go micro tunings, ….
Just try it, but cant find any midi settings to use it with other apps….
Any one?
dont upgrade to ios8
its shit
Android version, please! My plenty powerful Android tablet wants this for at least several times that price.
Fantastic app, However I would love to see an update that would let you tune middle C to lower than 261hz.