WiFo ‘RemoFinger’ Lets You Control Your iPad With Your Feet


At the 2015 Summer NAMM Show, WiFo was showing one of the more unusual introductions for the show, the RemoFinger ‘remote finger’ touchscreen foot controller.

The RemoFinger is a wireless foot controller that’s designed to let you control any touchscreen application – not just ones that have MIDI support.

Here’s an overview from WiFo CEO, Casey Kyung:

The RemoFinger is currently being developed as a Kickstarter project. Here’s the official intro video:

The RemoFinger is available to project backers, starting at US $79.

17 thoughts on “WiFo ‘RemoFinger’ Lets You Control Your iPad With Your Feet

  1. This is a stupid, stupid idea. On the other hand, a pedal that could send MIDI control data to an iPad over Bluetooth or WiFi could be a brilliant product.

    1. Think you missed the point – there are already Bluetooth MIDI foot controllers, but they are useless with apps that don’t have MIDI support.

      And, unfortunately, most apps don’t have comprehensive MIDI support.

      And, yes, this is Rube Golbergian.

      1. I haven’t had any luck with bluetooth. Had to ditch apple bluetooth keyboard to a normal keyboard with cord and apple mighty selfish mouse for a logitech mouse with it’s own radio system. Bluetooth just isn’t stable.

  2. We’ve been talking about this on another forum. I think the first impression is that it seems like an odd idea. Remember how mixed the opinions were about the little stick-on knobs for iPad?

    But this is a pretty clever idea, BECAUSE it can be used pretty much independent of the software– i.e., the software doesn’t need to be compatible with anything.

    For $80, you get a page-turner, and a remote bypass, or any other thing you might want to tap in a hands-free fashion.

    I think it is clever enough to be useful.

  3. This is bizarre, but it’s also fairly cheap and kind of fun in a sort of Rube Goldbergian way.

    Having apps support MIDI for everything is the way to go, but if desktop apps still don’t do that consistently, it will be a long time before mobile apps do. Kudos to those apps that do.

  4. It’s a clumsy solution. Might as well go one step further and have robotic fingers that can move across the screen. Bizarre and clumsy and it illustrates the current limitations in IOS/iPad design. I’m not criticizing this hardware developer. I’m just saying this kind of hardware shouldn’t be necessary if apps+IOS+iPad reached a standard for control.

  5. I’m a backer for this — yes, the approach is Rube Goldberg, but I think it’s insanely clever. Certainly, all apps will have comprehensive MIDI control in the future — but this will occur shortly after we achieve world peace and end hunger. In the mean time, I might want to be able to tap the screen, and do it with my foot, because my hands are busy with a guitar. And with the intro price for backing — $80 seems like a no-brainer to me.

    I’m willing to bet that I can position a suction cup on the screen faster than anyone can get through the MIDI configuration instructions of an app, and then program it into an ordinary foot controller. And if the foot controller is an FCB1010, I can go out for lunch, and maybe take a nap, before the programming is finished.

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