Urs Heckmann of U-He has introduced RePro-1 – a new monophonic software synthesizer that he’s releasing as ‘research ware’.
Here’s what he’s got to say about it:
The alpha version is going to be research ware, i.e. free like Protoverb. Hence “RePro-1 – Research Project One”. It’ll be a CPU hog because we want you guys to compare the unoptimised filter algorithms. We expect to release the alpha version shortly after the Superbooth in early April 2016.
The final version will be souped up with some extra features (the screenshot may make the guess easy) and it will be released for AAX/AU/VST with highly optimised filters by the end of 2016.
This is a monophonic synth. The final version will be an exceptionally close emulation of some nifty little vintage synth, with some nifty little extras added (but still not polyphonic).
Re-Pro-1 is ‘coming soon’. See the U-He forum for details.
via aymat
You should check Dagger by BeepStreet, the best filters I heard in software.
Admiral Quality ? Do You listen ?
i never understood monophonic software.
if the glide is good – mono-softsynths are great, I can see the whole – why not put a poly switch on it – but really, I use phonec a lot and I don’t think I ever use it in poly –
That’s because you never tried Native Instruments Monark or the new Reaktor modules.
@itchy monophonic means you can only play one note at a time. Polyphonic allows more notes. Hope this helps my friend..
He means why do companys something like this 😉
I except also something cooler from U-he sorry …
Diva is already there and we need no Diva Le Lite ….
That is borderline unintelligible. Software is art, just like anything else, artists produce what they want to. Get over it or go somewhere else to buy your products. Simple as that.
Chinktune I think he’s talking about the sense behind monophonic software-synths
(not monophonic synths in general) ^^
Well maybe it’ll have a “polyphonic-mode”, regardless of u-he trying
to be as close to the original as possible 😀
Urs knows how to make musical synths. They all have their very unique character. And I suppose this won’t be an exception! BTW: Use more tracks just in the old days of mono synths!
i never understood mono only software either. to limit plugins i understand but to limit them in that way with no option for poly i don’t understand.
Once you start coding for a poly you have a bunch of messy voice handling code and people start to complain about CPU usage. It’s a distraction from making the mono synth if that’s what you want to make. Next thing you know you’ve made a sucky poly that no one cares about.
You had me at “filter model”.
Free Prophet style synth from Urs? I’ll take it!
emulation of–> http://www.vintagesynth.com/sci/seqpro1.php
Anyone know why he’s not doing any apps at all?
if you’ve tried the ROland Aira VST monosynths like SH101, Promars and SH2, you’ll know they are beasts in their own right and bring something diff to the party. Can’t wait to hear this and stretch my CPU, u-he style! 🙂
sound demo