Cableguys has introduced PanShaper, a panning effect plugin featuring multiband stereo modulation and width control.
Here’s what they have to say about it:
Our unique editing tools let you add panning effects fast, and with pinpoint detail. Multiband modulation and width controls provide the final touch for in-depth editing — the possibilities are wider than you can imagine.
For evolving, fluid modulation or rhythmic patterns, for surgical panning edits of single hits within a loop, for subtle oscillation or intense motion from left to right. For a more lively sound, for pinpoint panning control, and for a more defined and wider stereo image.
Here’s the official video demo:
PanShaper Audio Demos:
PanShaper is available for OS X & Windows for 34 EUR / $39 USD incl. VAT.
Purchased and can say that this is very useful and not a one trick pony. Recommend highly.