Modal Electronics has released CraftApp – a free editor for their new CRAFTsynth – for iOS and Mac OSX. Windows and Android versions are also planned.
CraftApp is designed to provide full control over all of CRAFTsynth’s features. It also provides access to functionality not available from the front panel.
The Modal CRAFTsynth is a digital monophonic synthesizer kit which can be assembled (without need to solder) in less than 10 minutes. The CRAFTsynth features 2 oscillators per voice, Sine, Tri, Saw, PWM, Noise and FM and an LFO with six destinations, including VCA amplitude, filter cutoff and PWM.
The CRAFTsynth is currently only available in Europe, via Gear4Music, for £79.99. International pricing and availability is still to be announced. See the Modal site to download the app.
Craftsynth Audio Demos:
at least the free says what it is for this time (just picking on some past headlines)
be neat when available in states
i hope they eventually use these boards in a cheap polysynth with standardized IO and all that… maybe a 4-8 voice version for 300 or so … more like a volca than a pocket operator
It’s already a polysynth (or at least paraphonic) – and it sounds super.
But I do find the physical buttons very fiddly and hard to use, so the mobile editor will be much appreciated.
yes it is already what it is already, and yes – its not polyphonic… but thats not what im talking about.. im not talking about what it is already
and im also not talking about what you want or what would make you happy – if this makes you happy already, thats great .. enjoy yourself
im talking about future possibilities… if you dont care about that, thats great.. enjoy yourself
Mine arrived last week, and I live in the US. Ignore this nonsense about it not being available here, and just order it online. It took about a week to arrive after it was shipped. It’s great for what it is, and it only took 15 minutes to put together.