Arturia Updates BeatStep Pro Firmware to Version 2

Arturia today released BeatStep Pro firmware 2, an update that adds a wide variety of new features, including ones to make it more ‘volca-friendly’, a Scenes mode, new polyrhythmic drum sequencing, streamlined editing and more.

Here’s what’s new in BeatStep Pro v2:

The Polyrhythm Mode:

The Roller & Arpeggiator:

Pattern Chaining:

Randomness & Step Edition:

Drum Tie-Note Function & Volca Compatibility:

Here’s a live performance by Tom Demac, using the BeatStep Pro with firmware version 2:

New Features:

  • SHIFT + Step 2 = Clear steps in selected track
  • SHIFT + Step 9 (in Controller Mode) = Switch between Roller and Looper, affects Controller Mode and the three sequencers.
  • Roller in melodic mode is an arpeggiator that plays notes in the order where they were pressed.
  • SHIFT + Step 14 (Controller Mode) = Wait to load pattern
  • SHIFT + Step 15 (Controller Mode) = Global Tempo
  • SHIFT + Step 16 (Drum Mode) = Polyrhythm
  • BeatStep Pro is Synchronizable with Volcas
  • Create longer notes in the drum sequencer using Ties
  • Scales are now applied after the sequence
  • Ability to enter notes in melodic sequencer by hitting a pad then tapping one or multiple steps.
  • Set MIDI Channel as part of the Drum Map. Each pad can be set to User Channel or to a fixed channel between 1 and 16.
  • Create a mode where random will only randomize the octave of the notes and not the notes in Sequencer 1 & 2.
  • Velocity CV Out can now be attenuated from the MCC
  • Set custom length for each drum track using Polyrhythm
  • Scenes mode : A Scene contains a pattern or a chain for Sequencer 1, Sequencer 2 and Drum that can be instantly recalled.
  • There are 16 available Scenes.
  • Change the looper start point in the sequence by pressing steps
  • Fast Tie mode now available in Drum Sequencer. Fast Ties get applied after a short time.

Bug Fixes:

  • Shift + Swing now properly work together
  • Pad velocity in Controller Mode now functional
  • Pads now light up when setting Program Changes
  • Knobs can now be set to control Aftertouch in Controller Mode
  • Selected Pad of Drum Sequencer is properly lit in Real-Time recording
  • Step + Pad now working with Drums sequencer with record active
  • Pressing step buttons to change Project doesn’t send unwanted CC messages
  • No more crashes on pattern change after external transpose with transpose link
  • Improvements to HUI protocol when using Pro Tools 10
  • Sequences are now properly updated with Preset Link
  • First pattern of a chain is now played once when Wait to Load Pattern = Off
  • Transpose link + chaining pattern now properly work together
  • No more stuck notes on Stop/Pause using analog clock
  • No more drifting of the MIDI clock output when using internal clock
  • No more notes jumped when using the Looper with MIDI, USB or Clk Sync
  • Exiting Looper now plays the right note information
  • Control mode = Knob jumping from 127 to 0 with slow

See the Arturia site for details.

If you’ve tried v2, leave a comment and share your thoughts on it!

23 thoughts on “Arturia Updates BeatStep Pro Firmware to Version 2

  1. Can anyone tell me if this improves jitter? I had one briefly and it was unusable for staccato 32nd note EBM type stuff. Was a shame really because on paper it looks great. I’d probabaly pick another one up if that was fixed.

  2. Sold mine – i liked the theoretical functionality BUT the touch encoders never worked for me – they did not always recognize when i touched them and turning them sometimes skipped steps – turning them very slowly did nothing at all.

    All that options, i especially liked the randomness/probability, lost to unworkable encoders ๐Ÿ™

  3. Yayyy! I bought one last December and I use it all the time. Never had any jitter problems. Look fwd to trying the new firmware!

  4. Well hello!

    I think they mean poly-meter in Drum mode. If it supported poly rhythm my face would explode.

    This fixes a whole lot of wants from me. One big one remains and I’m guessing it’s not possible due to space constraints: multiple drum maps stored on the device. The volca sample (and electribe 2!) “fix” is very welcome indeed but if you’d like to point the drum part at something else that works “normally” it requires hooking up the MMC software and reloading different a setting. Would be dreamy if they could just be stored with the project. Set up a couple of template projects with your favorite settings… profit.

    1. If you could program the drum voice midi notes directly on the device. We’d have a polyphonic MIDI track. Well, you can do this now via the computer but since the drum notes aren’t saved with the project, you’d have to commit to one set of notes across all projects.

  5. All I’ve really been hoping for in a beatstep pro upgrade are five additional tracks and chord support. Making it useful for things beside minimal techno and rigid tech house jams.

    I suspect it’s doable on the existing hardware. My ancient Alesis MMT-8 handles eight polyphonic tracks with midi cc’s on a prehistoric processor and 64kb of memory, for example.

    This thing needs a firmware hack.

    1. That would be like buying a motorcycle for all the reasons that make a good motorcycle a good motorcycle and then hoping to turn it into a sedan.

      You could get a sidecar for your motorcycle though. You could even call it a KeyStep if you wanted to. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Hi Will,
        i appreciate the creative comparison, but it doesn’t apply here. I’m not asking for a beatstep that sends tweets or makes toast. I’d just love to see some functionality commonly found on midi sequencers since the 80’s. Nothing fancy at all.

        1. The thing is, the BS/BSP were never billed as traditional multi track polyphonic sequencers. They’re **step** sequencers. And the BSP in particular is a very good one, especially considering the price+connectivity.

  6. Upgraded firmware to and can report sadly that it’s not working for me – sequencer stuck on playing 2 steps only and seem to have lost all functionality . Tried re-upgrading firmware a but no dice. I’ve gone back to old version for now – maybe op error or maybe something Arturia need to fix? (wouldn’t be the first time)

  7. The fact these can’t do chords over DIN or USB make them limited and pointless. Can do more with iPad and Audiobus 3.

    Also, great how original Beatstep which I have is abandonware.

  8. Much appreciated update. My hope is that Arturia might release a fully blown dedicated sequencer / arranger station to compete with the likes of the Squarp, Cirklon, (or Elektron, MPC live minus the sampling). A no holds bar unit incorporating some of the more experimental techniques gleaned from eurorack sequencers, full 16 channels of midi, chord sequencing from the Arturia keys and savable scenes / song templates. My cult of desktop wave juicers need a device to keep them all in check.

  9. This biggest improvement for me is the clock stability:
    < 0.1% up to 160 BPM
    < 1% up to 300 BPM

    Before it was ~4-5% in the entire range.

    Well done, Arturia!

  10. Looking forward to installing this update. The new method for entering notes in Seq 1&2 looks waaaaay more intuitive than dialing notes in with the encoders.

  11. Hi. The arpeggio feature in the new update is nice, but sadly after using this functionality in record mode a couple of times, the pitch goes crazy. Both cv and midi signals from the BSP turns into wierd noise signals, but only when recording with the roller. The dealer gave my a new one, but same story after using the feature a couple of times. What’s up with that?

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