Synth Jam In The Woods

Sunday Synth Jam: This video captures a live iPad synth performance by Nicolas Díaz, recorded with a minimal system, among the trees.

Here’s what Diaz has to say about the technical details:

iPad Pro 10,5″ running: + Moog Model 15 app, played with left hand.

Moog Animoog, played with right hand.

Moog Model D app, sequenced by Fugue Machine app.

apeSoft iDensity, autonomous granular wizardry.

Patterning drum machine app going through Amazing Noises Dedalus.

All setup in Kymatica AUM audio mixer, simultaneous recorded to 5 stereo tracks.

MIDI control / manipulation via Novation Launchkey25.

You can download the track via the embed below:

11 thoughts on “Synth Jam In The Woods

    1. Hardware synths are not more or less than special purpose computers. This guy goes for a general purpose computer with soft synths. What is the difference?

        1. Awesome. Another fierce keyboard warrior. Get some sunlight and fresh air dude. Create something musical and share it with us. Make a positive contribution. If you can. If not, just walk along. Bye.

          1. Synthtooia does not believe in free speech…. i dont care about being a warrior; his username was just too convenient i could not resist.

            P.S. I work outside mostly.

    2. Semantics.

      Like you stated. Anyone COULD do this. But most dont. And this dude just went into the outdoors with some synth apps. To have some fun. Why critique it?

      Most ocd keyboard warriors like you take things too literal and just deliver feedback in the negative wavelengths. What’s your real point then? To diss a creative effort from a total stranger? Childish behaviour.

      Just disregard the setup used, hard or software, new or retro, and enjoy the tune dude. If you have no positive perspectives to share, just walk on by.

      I liked the tune.


  1. Nice. I appreciate it when people share their experiences like this. The footage was pretty neat too. Nice work.

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