Audiowerkstatt‘s Olaf Giesbrecht let us know that the midi-clock-shifter v2 is now available.
The midi-clock-shifter v2 is designed to let you move your MIDI-slave as many MIDI-clock-ticks as you want forward or backward, while running in synchronization to the MIDI-master.
It has all functions of the original audiowerkstatt midi-clock-shifter, but now comes in a powder-coated steel-enclouser and stores its settings.
Example uses are for on-the-fly correction of a MIDI-slave or to push a loop, that is not recorded in a rhythm, to that rhythm. It can also be used as a creative tool for working with sync delay times.
Pricing and Availability
The midi-clock-shifter v2 is now available for 179,00 €.
How is this useful?
there are many thing you can do with it:
1. correct a fixed “shift”: a lot of customers bought the original “v1”, because they have a sequencer that always misses the first clock-tick after the start-message and is running always one tick “behind”.
some even use it for correcting a latency – but it’s not made for it – the step of 1 midi-clock-tick is quite big for that – but for some it works.
2. correct shifts that appear during the run: some have a sequencer or looper, that misses some clock-ticks from time to time and you can correct the shift during the run and always push it back to sync.
3. creative use1: make a small shift and it’s like mixing-beat-to-beat with not perfect matching tempo or using a delay which has a slightly “wrong” delay-time – sometimes, this makes the groove.
4. creative use2: “shift” the slave out of sync for a break and “shift” it back to sync after that – there is lots of stuff like that, that lets you “play with the sync”.
5. special use: it’s a tool – you never know, when it will become useful. e.g. i myself had a performance, where i had to record sounds of performers on stage and make music out of that. i recorded the sounds as they came and than “shifted” the looper as long, until the recorded sound was in a “grooving”-position.
those are all examples – i’m often wondering myself, when i hear, what customers do with all the audiowerkstatt-tools – a lot of thing i did not have in my mind, when developing the device…
best wishes from berlin
olaf – audiowerkstatt