Patch Base Adds Novation Circuit Editor & Librarian

Coffeeshopped has announced that its iPad patch editor, Patch Base, now has an editor and librarian for the Novation Circuit.


  • Patch Editor
    • Edit all voice parameters using intuitive touch-based controls
    • Changes are sent in real-time to your synth
    • Create random patches as starting points for new sounds
    • Create from an init patch as a blank canvas
  • Patch Librarian
    • Save patches you create on your iPad
    • Organize them into folders
    • Turn on iCloud for automatic backup and desktop syncing with iCloud Drive
    • Import sysex patch files via iCloud or other apps on your iPad

Pricing and Availability

Patch Base is available as a free download, so that you can test it out. Individual editors are unlocked via in-app purchases, which are about $30/synth.

Download Patch Base free in the App Store.

2 thoughts on “Patch Base Adds Novation Circuit Editor & Librarian

  1. How much more effort to add a sound engine to Patch Base and completely replicate the Novation Circuit for iPad? ;D

  2. What I don’t like about the Patch Base GUI is that all the controls look the same, except for colour variations.
    Which overall appears as a cluttered blur :-/

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