Inside The Stockhausen Dream Studio

In his latest video, synthesist Hainbach documents his visit to Willem Twee Studios, a studio in the Netherlands that features a mix of traditional electro-acoustic studio gear and vintage synthesizers.

Or as Hainbach calls it, ‘The Stockhausen Dream Studio‘.

The studio features tape recorders, sine and pulse oscillators, tube sine wave generators and filters, passive octave filter (LC), HP test and measurement instruments like filters, function and noise generators, pulse train generators and more.

Here’s what he has to say about the Studio:

Built from the collection of Hans Kulk, who has been working with early electronic music tools since 1983, the studio is integrated into Willem Twee, a concert venue in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Run lovingly by Rikkert Brok, Armeno Alberts and Hans, the two studios and the beautiful Tonzaal, built into a former Synagoge, breathe history.

You can find post-war communications technology next to early analog computers, classic Arp synthesizers and custom made tools, as well as a beautiful pipe organ and all you ever need to create tape collages. Everything is ready to be played and recorded, and kept in amazing shape.

This was an absolute highlight for me personally and I hope to return for a longer stay some time.

For another view of this studio in action, see Albert Van Abbe’s electroacoustic music studio jam session.

9 thoughts on “Inside The Stockhausen Dream Studio

  1. Big fan n follower of this unbelievable man….Studied Stockhausen in college….amazing artist n pioneer in sound….have a ton of LP’s/CD’s n books by Jim n/ on him….

  2. I would have killed for a good lissajous display on one of those oscillographs in the video. The old PAIA 4730 multimode filter could make the wackiest lissajous figures on one of those.

    1. There was an iOS app that had old gear like this in it. I can’t find it anymore. I thought it was the BBC sound lab. But no hits. I’m sure it was in this blog…

        1. Cool Zach, thank for the link! That’s not the one though. The cue for me was the gunmetal grey panels, same idea, different presentation.

  3. totally old skool !! Love it. I wish more experimental music would return to the airwaves and put all this disco robot crap that has replaced it to death.

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