Haken Audio Update From 2021 NAMM Show

Haken Audio shared this video for the 2021 NAMM Show to provide an update on their instruments and firmware.

In the video, Haken Audio’s Ed Eagan introduces the latest firmware, Version 9.5, for all Continuums with DSP engines (both classic action and light action) and for all ContinuuMinis.

Here’s what’s new in v9.5:

  • There are many new System Presets for the Continuum and ContinuuMini since the last release for the Continuum, version 9. This brings the total number of Presets available to nearly 600.
  • The Editor has a new look and layout; learn about it in the new Continuum User Guide and EaganMatrix User Guide included in your Version 9.5 download. Here are a few highlights:
  • The Editor has three Themes/Skins; the “Dark” theme is default; in Midi and Global Settings you can also select the “Light” or “Neon” theme.
  • The EaganMatrix and System Presets share the same area; click on the red text “System Presets” to toggle to “EaganMatrix” display.
  • Overcrowding of controls has been alleviated using Control 1, Control 2, and Control 3 displays, selectable by radio button at center left.
  • There are now 128 User Preset Slots, 16 are shown in the Editor at a time.
  • New Tilt EQ controls.
  • New BiqBank and SineBank properties and capabilities.
  • Jenny Oscillator is now a choice in the Osc/Filt portion of the Matrix.

v9.5 is now available as a beta release. They expect the next full release to be Version 10, which will be released to coincide with the release of Expressive E’s Osmose keyboard, a keyboard that includes the Haken Audio EaganMatrix sound engine.

They note that the Version 9.5 release is stable for general use, but they plan to add new features along the path to Version 10.

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