MOD Dwarf Programmable Effects Pedal In-Depth Review

In his latest loopop video, synthesist Ziv Eliraz takes an in-depth look into the MOD Dwarf, an open platform for effects, amp simulations, cabinets, virtual instruments, synthesizers and MIDI utilities.

The MOD Dwarf can run Audio and MIDI effects, internal CV modulation, synths and samplers (for example the Dexed DX7 emulator and Sound Font compatible multi-sample instruments).

Topics covered in the video include:

0:00 Intro
1:45 What is it?
2:50 Overview
5:40 Connectivity
6:45 This setup
7:30 Editing boards
8:45 Pedal chains
9:40 Mapping knobs
11:00 Presets
12:10 Pedal types
13:00 CV mapping
15:00 LFO example
17:05 Generators
20:30 MIDI FX
21:00 CPU Mgmt
21:55 Patch walkthru
24:15 Pedal store
25:34 Misc
26:10 Pros & cons
31:50 Outro

Share your thoughts on the MOD Dwarf in the comments!

8 thoughts on “MOD Dwarf Programmable Effects Pedal In-Depth Review

  1. I have a Zoia and a Beebo and…. nothing compares to a dedicated effect on a great pedal. I really wish i could say otherwise but the modular capabilities makes it an interesting pedal, not necessarily the sound.

    1. That surprises me, Handsome Randy. Everything I’ve heard about the Beebo is that it is the bee’s knees. In particular, I don’t think any of the dedicated pedal reverbs sound as good as a good convolution reverb– which the Beebo would do. As for distortions, you can make a case for analog distortions being better, and I wouldn’t argue– don’t know if I agree, I just wouldn’t argue.

      1. Well, it’s very slow to use. Hard to explain but compared to the Zoia when making connections, it gets cumbersome. Being able to patch is what makes it great, same for the zoia. You can explore so thats what your buying. But I really dont like the reverbs that much on the beebo and they take up a lot of DSP. With all that said, stayign within the limits of the DSP, having all the mutable instruments modules inside is pretty awesome. Grids triggering plaits with clouds at the end of the chain is why i still have the beebo. For reverbs, delays and quicker editing of patches, the Zoia.

        1. Thanks. That’s all good to know. It is so difficult to tell even these general kinds of things from demo/review videos only. Beebo was on my short list–because if its convolution, i/o, and MIDI control– but I suppose I could rig some hybrid with pedals and use an iPad for reverb.

  2. To me is always like reinventing the iPad. Some time ago I built my own “USB to Lightning” MIDI controller to use everything you can buy or download from the store. I feel that is a quite definitive tool in my rig. (already changed one iPad4 to an iPad 6th gen)

  3. I don’t understand why these “pedals” are so limited in controls. Anyway does anyone know if this work with gen~ code? Because soundwise from this demo it is quite poor.

    1. There is often a “struggle” between keeping a pedal smaller so it will fit on a pedal board, or make it packed with buttons and other controls. Some people use dedicated foot control things- separate but connected to their effects. With that CONTROL CHAIN thing, it looks like you can connect some controls.

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