Euclidean Sequencer For iOS (Sneak Preview)

4Pockets Audio shared this sneak preview of Euclidean Sequencer For iOS, described as an alternative incarnation of the classic step sequencer.

It is based on Euclidean rhythms, developed by computer scientist Godfried Toussaint in 2004. Euclidean rhythms have their roots in Greek mathematician Euclid’s algorithm, which involves using the greatest common divisor of two numbers to place hits in a sequence as evenly as possible across a set timing divisions.

You don’t have to worry about the math – you can just use Euclidean Sequencer to generate complex musical sequences.

You can define up to 4 Euclidean rhythm parts, each part is referred to as a band. The bands are labelled A-D and colour coded RED, ORANGE, GREEN and CYAN. Together these 4 bands create a pattern, and you can create up to 16 seperate patterns per song patch.

Since each band can specify its own note sequence and output MIDI channel, you can create some quite sophisticated rythms patterns, driving 4 seperate instruments at once. Even better you can seamlessly switch patterns to create even longer evolving sequences. Patterns follow a specified key, scale, or defined chord.

You can also use MIDI input to automatically make note sequences conform to the currently playing chords, remotely enable bands and seamlessly switch patterns.

Details 0n pricing and availability are still to be announced.

13 thoughts on “Euclidean Sequencer For iOS (Sneak Preview)

    1. There are bunches of free ones for Reaktor, but you have to spring for reaktor. (NI’s Nov sales have passed, but you can either pony up or wait until next year).

    2. falcon synth has one and its overall an incredibly powerful synth, if not the most powerful synth out. well worth the investment.

  1. Great app, just got it… But for Pythagoras’ sake, where’s the manual or, at least, some onscreen help ? 4Pockets website is down for update… ??

    1. Hit the hamburger menu next to the tempo display. Help manual is at the bottom. 4pockets always provides in depth help Manuals inside his apps.

  2. Now in the Appstore for €7,99

    I don’t understand how they thought it was a great idea to give every app of theirs (more than 30 of them!) the same app icon. Makes absolutely no sense at all.

    Also their website is down for some reason.

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