Arturia Teases Major Introductions Coming October 18th – What Do You Want To See Them Introduce?

Arturia let us know that on Tuesday, October 18th at 6PM CET , they will host Rendez-vous, a one-off livestream event, where they will showcase a series of special announcements.

The event will be streamed on Arturia’s YouTube channel. We’ve embedded the link above.

What would you like to see them introduce? A new hardware synth? New virtual instruments? Updates to their existing products?

Share your thoughts in the comments!

64 thoughts on “Arturia Teases Major Introductions Coming October 18th – What Do You Want To See Them Introduce?

  1. I’m assuming its hardware cause it’l be super corny to do a teaser for a soft-synth. I’d like them to explore some of this soft synths into the hardware realm. Digital is fine, close to the hydrasynth as far as modulaiton and UX. Quick, simple routing, modulate everything, tons of FX, lots of OSC options and affordable.

  2. Modest request – upgrade path from older Prophet 5/VS to the now separate Prophet 5, Prophet VS software synths.

  3. I believe that Arturia should take the customers deceived and betrayed by Uli Behringer’s promises (I’m one of them): their target should be producers / musicians who are willing to buy clones of historical gear but at 1/20 of the price.
    I would like Arturia to basically produce in hardware everything they have already done with the software

  4. microfreak Keys – mashed with keystep pro – 4 part multitimbral parts – new engines more knobs
    Microfreak Groovebox – to compete with Syntakt $699
    beatstep pro 2 – take the best from beatstep pro, sq64, oxi, and hapax.

  5. I would really dig it if someone else did a modern physical modeling platform like the non-linear C-15. arturia seems to have a good handle on software modeling and hardware.

      1. yes. I’m looking for polyphony. I get wonderful results from Prologue, but with memory limitations – physmod has larger memory demands than other type of models – there is only so much you can do there. Something like Z1 would be nice if it were modernized, as ST-Dave notes below. C-15 is still a bit out of reach for me yet.

  6. Hardware:
    – Super Freak obviously!
    – Mid range Analog Poly Analog with Arturia features. Sub 1000€
    – I could see Arturia expending into more “budget pro gear” to compete with UAD. Like microphones etc. Do we need it? Depends on on what sets it apart from the competition besides pricepoint.

    – Keylab on iPad or in general more iPad apps.
    – FX Collection host like Keylab or even integrated in Keylab (Hey it’ll be like Arturia Reason soon!)
    – Any classic Drum Machines need the Arturia treatment? Yes please!

  7. Yesterday the multinationals offer anticipated the customer’s demand … today the multinationals’ demand for the customer anticipates the offer …

  8. There’s a strong Jarre reference in the title. I suspect a new hardware synth like a Super Freak or maybe even hardware sequencer. JMJ had a cool additive synth by RMI back in the day and additive synths are rather rare in hardware so perhaps that could be an idea for a cool new product.

  9. Well, it says “Rendez-Vous” so I am cautiously suspicious that Arturia, for what ever demented reason, have developed a software Seiko DS-250/DS-310/DS-320 combo. Which would be weirder still since I just bought them all. Maybe they developed a portable laser harp that isn’t a children’s toy joke and doesn’t fail after five minutes. Personally, I am waiting for a few additions to the collection such as Korg Z1, Kawai K5000, Synton Syrinx, and Polivoks.

  10. I’m just watching with interest for the moment, but the reason you don’t see some synths emulated is because the sample data and sounds are copyrighted. Its no problem when a synth is all sine/square/saw, but Roland’s D-50 for example, is locked up in that respect.

    There’s also this: how many people would really master a wonderfully dense synth like the K5000? How does a company gauge the potential sales when they mount a new project? The K5000 was a great leap ahead of the K5 I had, but it would take a lot to make a reasonably friendly additive hardware synth. The CPU power is there, but its for sure not a grab-it-&-go method like subtractive. Adjusting partials with a stylus would really blow.

    I have similar thoughts about physical modeling. A revamped Korg Z1 sounds appealing, but again, the method was a bit alien to many players. Tooling up for that might seem less appealing than the next mega-Volca. They already know those are a popular gold mine.

    1. You raise a good point. I guess the closest we’ve seen to a medium sized synth would be something like the excellent Minibrute 2s, but really that’s about the same price as a Bass Station 2.

      The idea of a medium range synth is interesting and thus far unexplored in their product line.

  11. He used an Elka Synthex on that album. Maybe its that. Anyone recognize the colors they are using from any other famous synths.

      1. Are you sure?
        There were two swipes at Behringer before my post (Attizzoso Dissaldato and Dongleboob)
        That would make me the third.
        And obviously your complaint against me makes you the fourth.

      1. I’ve used isopropyl and elbow grease before for similar issues.
        For the BeatStep it’s not worth the trouble: the underlying encoders are also total garbage.

  12. It says Rendezvous. So, it’s perhaps a synth that is a rendezvous of real analog and digital, a hybrid something like the Dave Smith Instruments Evolver / Poly Evolver and Roland JD-XA. That would be cool. A Microfreak / Minibrute 2 mashup?

    1. afaik, the rubber never got sticky within the beta period of my little phatty; took about five years even in a humidity/temp controlled environment before it occurred.

    1. I bought a polybrute form Guitar Center for a pretty good price. It was missing the top of the Master cuttoff knob. The silver circle part on top of the knob. After registering it, contacted support about a knob replacement, they asked for a photo, sent it. 1 week later I had a new knob, no cost. Still have the old knob in a sandwhich bag for just in case purposes.

    2. they already introduce that 🙂 but it did took them some time to understand “good costumer support = profit”
      people have a very short memory, i remember they neglect to answer complains even on their own forum for years! they build their hardware devision on the back of their costumers up until the first beatstep, the first “ok” hardware product, it was shameful for years but now they are ok.

  13. Maybe “rendezvous” indicates coming fill circle with the final version of the Brute synth. If it IS a new hardware synth, I do indeed hope the polyphony is mind blowing enormous. Price that it might make it… eeeeeeehuh.

  14. My PolyBrute still deservers a lot of enhancements and there is an entire thread filled in by the users with the requests. Seeing the company supporting the product even after it’s release I something I always loved about Yamaha, which convinced me to buy their Motif, then the Montage. I would like to see the same commitment from Arturia regarding their releases. But I think we will find out more tomorrow.:)

  15. Keystep Pro+ (for the lack of a better name).

    Basically a KSP with:
    – Normal sized keys (at least 4 octaves)
    – More channels, more buttons, more of everything.
    – Built in audio interface with at least 2 inputs and stereo output + headphones.

    This for €799,-

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