Neutral Labs Intros 2 New Eurorack Modules, PIP & Nijel, Available Assembled & As DIY Kits

Neutral Labs has introduced 2 new Eurorack modules:

  • PIP, a dual clocked CV generator/recorder; and
  • Nijel, a 4 HP distortion module.

PIP is a dual clocked CV generator/recorder. It offers two morphable CV generators/complex LFOs in 8 HP that can be synced to each other in predefined ratios, unsynced or phase-shifted between each other.

You can choose from a large variety of preset waveforms or random waves. The module also allows you to record, morph and time-stretch your own external CV or knob movements.

Pip is available now as an assembled module or full DIY kit from retailers.

Nijel is a 4 HP distortion module that lets you change its character by plugging in components like diodes, capacitors or resistors directly to the front panel. Assembled modules and DIY kits come with a set of small components for experimentation. A set of preset cartridges is also available, which gives you instant access to a variety of sounds. The preset cards are also compatible with the Neutral Labs Scrat customisable multimode filter.

Nijel is available now as an assembled module or full DIY kit from retailers. The set of 4 preset cards called Nuts (Acorn, Almond, Cashew and Pecan) is recommended, but not necessary to operate the module and so it is is sold separately.

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