Tangerine Dream Announces Fall 2023 North America Tour

Pioneering synth group Tangerine Dream has announced plans for a fall 2023 North America tour, as part of a larger world tour.

The tour will provide a rare opportunity for North American fans to see the group perform live.

The group was founded in the late ’60s by the late Edgar Froese, and over the years has featured more than two dozen lineups. After Froese’s death, the group has been led by musical director Thorsten Quaeschning.

The current line-up features long-time members Thorsten Quaeschning & Hoshiko Yamane, along with new member Paul Frick. This lineup is featured on their 2021 EP Probe 6–8, their 2022 album Raum, and their recent 8-album box set, The Sessions: United Kingdom & Ireland 2022.

Their recent shows have paired a ‘greatest hits’ selection of the group’s work with a long, improvised encore ‘Session’.

Virgin to Quantum Years Tour Dates:

9/8 – Miami, Miami Beach Bandshell
9/11 – Asheville, Orange Peel
9/12 – Atlanta, Centre Stage
9/13 – Dallas, Ferris Wheelers
8/14 – Austin, Empire Garage
9/16 – Albuquerque, El Ray
9/18 – San Diego, The Magnolia
9/19 – Los Angeles, The Vermont
9/20- San Francisco, Regency Ballroom
9/22- Portland, Revolution Hall
9/24 – Vancouver, Rickshaw Theatre
9/25 – Seattle, Neptune Theatre
9/27 – Philadelphia, Keswick Theatre
9/29 – Washington D.C., Lincoln Theatre
9/30 – Queens, Knockdown Centre
10/1 – Montreal, L’Olympia
10/3 – Toronto, Opera House
10/5 – Chicago, Metro

See the group’s site for ticket details.

66 thoughts on “Tangerine Dream Announces Fall 2023 North America Tour

    1. Edgar F wanted them to continue TD.

      Admin: Personal attack deleted.

      Keep comments on topic and constructive.

    1. This is arguably the best live lineup TD has ever had.

      They do the classics better than any lineup in TD’s history, and what other electronic bands can get up on stage an improvise for a half hour and do it well?

      The Franke, Froese, Baumann lineup was the most important lineup, obviously. Listening to the 70s bootlegs, though, and it’s obvious that the stoner crowds of that era were happy as long as the band played some random spacey sounds.

      I saw them in the 80s and the band faked most of the performance. Pretty unimpressive. And their early 2000s performances, with the bongos and saxophone, made me think the band had completely jumped the shark.

      If they added a Kansas City show to this tour, I’d be in heaven.

        1. You must be the guy that bought Tangerine Dream’s bongos & sax albums and ruined things for the rest of us.

          1. I’m more a Poland / Flashpoint / Ricochet / Tangram / Stratosfear / Hyperborea / Thief / Rubycon / Phaedra / Green Desert sort of guy. But I still think the Le Parc, Optical Race, Tyger, Livemiles, Lily on the Beach kind of albums have something to offer.
            On reading this thread I had to go and listen to the new releases. I chose Raum.
            It’s quite washy and unfocused. Some good textures. I was blown away by the Love on a Real Train refrains. Not in a good way.

  1. Not from what I’ve seen – there’s plenty of footage around where you can see them bringing loads of hardware on stage. Can’t wait to see them in Maastricht in a couple of days!

    1. That’s what gadi is saying. “vst in a box” = hardware synth. You must be new to the comment section of this site.

      1. How is that the same group and not a tribute band? The same goes for other bands in the same situation with no original members.

        If these acts with no original members can somehow be the same band, then why can’t The Musical Box be Genesis now since there is no Genesis band? Why can’t the Rush Tribute Project be Rush now since Rush is no longer together?

        1. Why all the hate towards Edgar Froese’s vision for the band to carry on after his death?

          The fact that you’re still taking issue with this, 8 years after Froese’s death, is really odd.

          1. LOL. I don’t even know who Edgar Froese is. I have honestly never heard a single Tangerine Dream song in my entire life. I only asked the question based on opening this article and reading some comments here regarding the lineup.

            Again, how is that the same group and not a tribute band? The same goes for other bands in the same situation with no original members.

            1. It’s interesting that you’re obsessed with commenting on a topic that you’re ignorant about (you’ve stated this yourself), you’re committed to staying ignorant, and you still expect that someone would be interested in your thoughts.

              1. Nice ad hominem argument.
                Obsessed? LOL. Dude, the comments had nothing to do with the history of this band other than questioning the lineup. My comments were questioning the validity of bands (any band) that tour as a known name but have zero original members. How is that not instead a tribute band?

                  1. If these acts with no original members can somehow be the same band, then why can’t The Musical Box be Genesis now since there is no Genesis band? Why can’t the Rush Tribute Project be Rush now since Rush is no longer together?

                    1. @TimS

                      Musical Box has no members who actually played in Genesis…unlike this group who have been a part of TD for years playing alongside the original members….your example invalidates your logic.
                      As someone stated earlier…you seem to be committed to staying ignorant.

                  2. “A “tribute band” is a group of people who had nothing to to with the original in any way and decided to form a band.”
                    Does that mean Baumann, Franke, Schmoelling and Haslinger could all form viable Tangerine Dream bands?
                    Legally no. But artistically and morally they would be more genuine.
                    Let’s say Thorsten and friends restrict themselves to music they made with Froese and not play Baumann, Franke, Schmoelling and Haslinger’s compositions?
                    Let’s say they restrict themselves to not use signature TD techniques we all know and love, and instead, explore original sound and music in the way that made Tangerine Dream a legendary band?
                    Because with all their ‘in the style of TD’ music they don’t half sound like a tribute band.
                    Just listening to Turning of the Wheel. Such creativity from Haslinger and Froese. It’s not drenched in delays or reverb, and, whilst using sequencers, they are sensitive to the composition, not leading the way.

                    1. Yeah, but the Musical Box would no longer be a “tribute band.” They would be the actual Genesis. They even got to use the orignal tapes Genesis to figure out / play their parts and use the orignal slides that Genesis used in the background during their shows. Who cares if they didn’t know the original members. They are five people playing the music. Just like people who replace all orignal members that no longer exist in a band with no orignal members.

  2. This is the best version of Tangerine Dream I have heard in years and I’ve heard them live a dozen times since 1978. Oh and please do some research, as they haven’t used VSTs for 9 years. This is still Tangerine Dream for the open minded

    1. Thorsten is the longest-running member of the band, after Froese.

      The current lineup is excellent, and the Schnauss lineup was right up there.

  3. Can’t wait to see them in Paris, since they kept the legacy of the original band it will be stunning to see them. Gossips will say ” it’s like other bands with not original memebers blablabla,…”but no…it’s another side of a musical project that continue to live, you can’t compare with bands including only humans…

    1. Not a cover band at all…looking forward to seeing them in Vancouver! Thorsten Quaeschning and some of the others have been part of TD for quite a few years. Thorsten Quaeschning was under the direct tutelage of Edgar Froese for years before his passing.

      I think the quality of their work speaks for itself:

      White Eagle

  4. It’s unfair to judge them just because of their name. They’ve been doing really good work since Edgar’s death. They could change their name to something new and unrecognizable or they could tour with a name that has the incredible historical weight and commercial pull of Tangerine Dream. Which choice is the smart one?

    1. It’s ridiculous already.
      At what point does it end? Seriously?
      They can keep it going for as long as they want but it’s not Tangerine Dream without Froese.
      Personally, when Franke left it was beyond repair.

      No doubt the new team is very talented and produce some fantastic music.
      Some really sensitive covers. Though they seem to milk the hotspots of Rubycon a bit much and the White Eagle I’m listening to from Live At Augusta Raurica Switzerland replaces the vocal tuts with a frigging tambourine, and the subsequent guitar synth after has none of the original’s burn to contrast with the beautiful lightness of the piece.)

    1. Well that’s all fine and dandy.
      Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
      Tangerine Dream is a household name because they were ALWAYS forward thinking.
      It is oh so apparent that now they carry the weight of the past…
      …even into their studio albums.

    May 5th Electron Festival, Geneva/CH
    May 17th Popodium, Tilburg/NL
    May 18th Music Foundry, Maastricht/NL
    May 19th Het Depot, Leuven/BE
    May 20th La Gaite Lyric, Paris/FR
    May 31st Horse, The Hague/NL
    June 10th Tauron Nowa Muzyka, Katowice/PL
    June 15th Casa de Cultura a Studentilor, Cluj Napoca/RO

    September 8 – Miami Beach Bandshell, Miami
    September 11 – Orange Peel, Asheville
    September 12 – Centre Stage, Atlanta
    September 13 – Ferris Wheelers, Dallas
    September 14 – Empire Garage, Austin
    September 16 – El Ray, Albuquerque
    September 18 – Magnolia, El Cajon
    September 19 – The Vermont, Los Angeles
    September 20 – Regency Ballroom, San Francisco
    September 22 – Revolution Hall, Portland
    September 24 – Rickshaw Theatre, Vancouver
    September 25 – The Neptune, Seattle
    September 27 – Keswick Theatre, Glenside, Pennsylvania
    September 29 – Lincoln Theatre, Washington
    September 30 – Knockdown Centre, New York
    October 1 – Olympia – Pop Montreal, Montreal
    October 3 – Opera House, Toronto
    October 5 – Metro, Chicago

    October 10th Gewandhaus, Großer Saal, Leipzig/DE
    October 12th Rheingoldhalle, Mainz/DE
    October 14th Lokschuppen, Bielefeld/DE
    October 16th Theater am Aegi, Hannover/DE
    October 17th Metropol Theater, Bremen/DE
    October 18th Admiralspalast, Berlin/DE
    October 20th Tollhaus, Karlsruhe/DE
    October 21st Neue Gebläsehalle, Neunkirchen/Saar/DE
    October 22nd Osnabrückhalle, Europa Saal, Osnabrück/DE
    October 24th Lichtburg, Essen/DE
    October 25th Theaterhaus am Pragsattel, Stuttgart/DE
    October 26th Hamburg, Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal, Hamburg/DE
    October 28th Isarphilharmonie, München/DE

    November 5th De La Warr, Bexhill/England
    November 6th Guildhall, Portsmouth/England
    November 8th Palladium, London/England
    November 9th Brudenell Social Club, Leeds/England
    November 10th Albert Hall, Manchester/England
    November 11th HH Prog Festival, Great Yarmouth/England
    November 12th Boiler Shop, Newcastle, England
    November 13th St Luke’s, Glasgow, Scotland
    November 14th Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland

    1. They are pretty good, they’re just not Tangerine Dream. I’d have some respect for them if they chose another name for their band.

      1. That ship sailed 8 years ago and your viewpoint lost out.

        It’s kind of pathetic to see you (and theGhostOfConrad & TimS) tilting impotently at windmills.

        1. It’s still my viewpoint whether or not it “lost out”. Like the most popular point of view wins? LOL
          It’s kind of pathetic that you can’t see our point. Because Edgar wanted them to continue with the name doesn’t make it right.

        2. What’s actually pathetic is a ‘Tangerine Dream’ studio album (Raum) that strongly ‘borrows’ (following advice from my lawyer) from music that none of the current lineup had anything to do with (Love on a Real Train).
          And they do that for artistic reasons?
          Or to be popular?
          Do Queen call themselve Queen now that Freddie’s gone?
          No, now it’s Queen + Adam Lambert or Queen + Paul Rodgers.
          They respect the fans. They know it’s not the same.

          So what is ‘Tangerine Dream’ is it an ethos? It is that which is touched by Froese?
          Is it Froese’s baby that he wished to live forever?

          To me it’s when other musicians worked with Froese and the music became infinitely greater than the sum of its parts. Franke, Schmoelling and Bauman all did their best work with Froese. And likewise, Froese did his best with the others.
          They broke boundaries and invented genres.

          I’m trying to be patient but could someone tell Thorsten and friends to go easy on the delays and reverb, sonically and metaphorically.

    1. God damn, comments are turned off on that vid!
      I’m sure they would have been entertaining.

      Anyways, if that’s the sort of TD that Froese wanted he’s welcome to it.
      I’m not convinced that we’d all be here discussing TD’s new tour if they’d attempted to blaze their trail in the 70s with such middle of the road pleasantness.

  6. I am super excited to see the current lineup in Austin. A fan since picking up Exit back in 1981. Each lineup brought unique gifts to their respective eras. As innovations in electronic music continued, the group evolved in kind.

    I for one appreciate Edgar’s vision… Raum is outstanding.


  7. @ Rick Ramos, at last a fan who wants to enjoy the music, rather than scoring points!!!!!! I hope you have a blast in Austin, I’m sure you will

  8. I remember even when Jerome Froese was part of the Melrose (1990) with Paul Haslinger, then and on later date, he repeated that TD does not exists without his father, and TD makes only sense with his father.

    And guess what, confirmed the same thing, even after his father died, even available in news section of Synthopia 2015:


    I follow TD and Froese since late 70’s, with nothing but praise and admiration, yet anyone who claims his mission to “preserve” or keep “Dream alive” is someone without any ideas of his own. If they need TD vehicle to support their composition/ideas, then clinically speaking – they have nothing to show!

    Who needs to “preserve” TD legacy if even his own son refuse to do so? TD with discography that would last not decades but century of discovery for new fans 7/24. Nothing worse then attracting attention for sake of nostalgia.

    If somebody has something to say of substance, please do so under your own name, under your own umbrella of creative results. If they are any good, you wont need TD covers.

    No Edgar, no TD.

  9. There are a lot of comments here about the name, but isn’t the music the important bit, regardless of the name? Unfortunately, the post-Froese band has laid too much emphasis on remixes – both of Froese-era bootlegs and studio work – and have become dull. *They* need to find their own identity (with no disrespect to Froese).

    1. I am perhaps more of an odd fan in that I’m relatively younger than the average TD listener and I also appreciate every era of the band, even the 90s and post 2000s periods. Of course, I still concur that their 70s and 80s material remains their best. In regards to the whole post Edgar TD debate, I highly disagree with Jerome’s point of view and I think Thorsten, Hoshiko, and Paul and Ulrich before have done excellent work carrying on Froese’s legacy. Thorsten was personally chosen and mentored by Edgar himself since 2003 with the intent he succeed him and keep TD alive once he retired or passed away and his widow Bianca has honored this wish. Thorsten himself has proven his worth and talent with all manner of synthesizers and equipment and has demonstrated a keen eye as band leader for roping in complimentary band mates.

      Tangerine Dream has had many different lineups throughout its 56 year history. Most of its original members/founders never even made it to the debut studio album Electronic Meditation in 1970, save for Edgar Froese. So the notion that somehow today’s TD is merely a glorified cover-band is both preposterous and condescending. The only original founder of TD that stuck around for most of its existence explicitly stated he wanted the band to live on after him, and that is precisely what happened. To believe otherwise is to objectively ignore reality. Opinions are fine and all, but feelings don’t equate to factual circumstances or classifications.

      If today’s TD isn’t your cup of tea, that’s completely valid and a whole separate conversation based on subjectivity and personal taste. I, for one, love the current lineup and am excited to finally see them live for the first time in Miami Beach this September!

    September 8 – Miami Beach Bandshell, Miami/USA
    September 11 – Orange Peel, Asheville/USA
    September 12 – Centre Stage, Atlanta/USA
    September 13 – Ferris Wheelers, Dallas/USA
    September 14 – The Mohawk, Austin/USA with special guests More Ease
    September 16 – El Ray, Albuquerque/USA
    September 17- Rialto Theatre, Tucson/USA with special session guest Steve Roach
    September 18 – Magnolia, El Cajon/USA
    September 19 – The Vermont, Los Angeles/USA
    September 20 – Regency Ballroom, San Francisco/USA
    September 22 – Revolution Hall, Portland/USA
    September 24 – Rickshaw Theatre, Vancouver/Canada
    September 25 – The Neptune, Seattle/USA
    September 27 – Keswick Theatre, Glenside, Pennsylvania/USA
    September 29 – Lincoln Theatre, Washington/USA with special guest Insect Factory (Jeff Barsky)
    September 30 – Knockdown Centre, New York/USA
    October 1 – Olympia – Pop Montreal, Montreal/Canada with special guest Invités
    October 3 – Opera House, Toronto/Canada
    October 5 – Metro, Chicago/USA

    October 10 Gewandhaus, Großer Saal, Leipzig/Germany
    October 12 Rheingoldhalle, Mainz/Germany
    October 14 Lokschuppen, Bielefeld/Germany
    October 16 Theater am Aegi, Hannover/Germany
    October 17 Metropol Theater, Bremen/Germany
    October 18 Admiralspalast, Berlin/Germany
    October 20 Tollhaus, Karlsruhe/Germany
    October 21 Neue Gebläsehalle, Neunkirchen/Saar/Germany
    October 22 Osnabrückhalle, Europa Saal, Osnabrück/Germany
    October 24 Lichtburg, Essen/Germany
    October 25 Theaterhaus am Pragsattel, Stuttgart/Germany
    October 26 Hamburg, Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal, Hamburg/Germany
    October 28 Isarphilharmonie, München/Germany

    November 5 De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill/England
    November 6 Guildhall, Portsmouth/England
    November 7 Princess Pavilion, Falmouth/England
    November 8 Palladium, London/England
    November 9 Brudenell Social Club, Leeds/England
    November 10 Albert Hall, Manchester/England
    November 11 HH Prog Festival, Great Yarmouth/England Sold-Out
    November 12 Boiler Shop, Newcastle/England
    November 13 St Luke’s & The Winged Ox, Glasgow/Scotland
    November 14 The Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh/Scotland with special guest Ali Ferguson

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