Bitwig and PreSonus Introduce Open DAWproject Format For Sharing Audio Projects Between DAWs

Bitwig and PreSonus have announced DAWproject, a new, open format for audio project files that’s designed to make it easy to share work between DAW programs.

DAWproject is a Bitwig-led initiative that’s designed to give musicians more options in the tools that they use. It follows the 2022 launch of CLAP, a free and open plug-in standard, launched in collaboration with u-he.

DAWproject is an open and free file format that makes it much easier to move from one DAW to another, so you can use a DAW that you prefer for specific tasks, or share files with people that may use different platforms. The developers say that this will eliminate complex and time-consuming procedures for moving projects, converting formats, and exporting or importing.

DAWproject files include all the most important information in a DAW-agnostic format. As of today, DAWproject is supported in Bitwig Studio 5.0.9 and Studio One 6.5.

“Every DAW is different, and that is a strength of our industry. Allowing users to take their work between programs is now easier than ever — and the right thing to do.”, says Claes Johanson, Bitwig co-founder and lead developer of DAWproject.

“With DAWproject, we are thrilled to introduce a new open format that allows users of different DAWs to work together seamlessly for the first time,” says Arnd Kaiser, General Manager at PreSonus Software. “We are proud to launch this groundbreaking new format in partnership with Bitwig.”

Key Features:

Here are the key features that DAWproject format supports, with a comparison to MIDI and AAF for reference. As you’ll see, DAWproject files cover a wider range of data relevant to DAWs and DAW-like applications.

Resources and Availability

DAWproject support is available now in Bitwig Studio 5.0.9 and PreSonus Studio One 6.5.

19 thoughts on “Bitwig and PreSonus Introduce Open DAWproject Format For Sharing Audio Projects Between DAWs

  1. Stellar idea and worthy of praise for sure. I’m wondering if Ableton will go for it though–BitWig (started by original Ableton people) is their chief competitor so I wonder if they will want to make it easy for long time Live users to jump over to a competitor’s platform. But then again, even I switched to BitWig for in-studio composition, it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever stop using Live onstage.

  2. Everything can be done with MIDI 2.0 SMF (Standard MIDI Format) files. They can store audio and other data. Actually, one container file could store the entire project. So it’s kind of superfluous, really. Waste of manpower, imo: just get involved in the technology that’s already available.

  3. Love Bitwig. A seriously underrated DAW. The only thing (for me) that would make it complete and transition 100% would be AUv3 support.

  4. Hopefully this expands forward and to other DAWs

    Serious game changer! Usually it’s upload and send Project Files and/or Audio Stems, only options currently

  5. MIDI 2.0 SMF already solves this issue. Seems this was something they were working on already before the announcement so they just released it. It’s pretty clear Ableton is in the crosshairs of some companies particularly Bitwig since Moog do not support CLAP and probably this wont get support either. This goes a bit beyond with Nektar not supporting Ableton officially out of box.

    1. Midi2smf will face the same kind of issues Ith Midi1smf as IPv6 does with v4…. Leading users in a permanent garbage situation… even if I’d love to see this really Ork… let’s hope

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