CHOMPI Sampler ‘Midnight Edition’ Now Available To Preorder

The creators of CHOMPI, a new sampling keyboard that’s designed to make musique concrète style audio manipulation fast and fun, have announced a new ‘Midnight Edition‘ that offers the same functionality, but with more traditional black and gray styling.

The Midnight Edition CHOMPI features a set of custom black keycaps and black transport knob, plus a CHOMPI Keychain.

Pricing and Availability:

The CHOMPI Midnight Edition is available to pre-order now for $625.00 USD, with shipping planned to start in Feb 2024.

4 thoughts on “CHOMPI Sampler ‘Midnight Edition’ Now Available To Preorder

  1. im not sure what the appeal of this device is? who wants to play a keyboard made from computer keys? also – that casio sampler back in the day was fun for a minute… and thats about it

    soooooooo yeh… imho, nostalgia is a kind of poison, even though its sweet to the taste

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