Novation Circuit Patch Editor Now Available For Android & iOS Mobile Devices

Deepsounds has updated NC Editor, their dedicated TouchOSC patch editor for the Novation Circuit and Novation Circuit Tracks, to support iPhone and Android mobile phones.

NC Editor is a patch editor, patch generator and patch manager for the Circuit Tracks and OG Circuit. While optimized for the use on an iPad, it also runs on Windows, Mac, Linux or Android.

Here’s the intro video:


  • Access to all patch parameters of the Circuit synth engines (>300)
  • Support of both Circuit Tracks and OG Circuit
  • Optimized design for iPad (but also runs on windows, macOS, android)
  • A sophisticated patch generator that lets you quickly create sounds
  • A patch manager to save, load, copy and paste patches on your Circuit, even across packs (tracks only)
  • Integration of hardware controllers Novation LaunchControl XL and Akai MidiMix
  • Now also contains a mobile friendly version
  • Comprehensive PDF manual for installation and use is included in the package.

Pricing and Availability:

NC Editor is available now for €5.50.

Note: NC Editor requires the latest version of touchOSC.

3 thoughts on “Novation Circuit Patch Editor Now Available For Android & iOS Mobile Devices

    1. Novation don’t have the app programming capability, don’t want to build up one, and obviously feel that the cost of paying outside devs to code *and* support a quality app from them would be too costly for them considering whatever the cost to consumers would be. Whereas a no-name, one-person dev like “Deepsounds” (free Facebook page, a PayHip sales page, and a couple of YouTube videos) can do this as a successful side hustle… and abandon development if/when sales dry up.

  1. this is a steal for 5.50.

    Consider Sequential: They outsource patch editor software too, but you get a much uglier version with terrible UX for their synthesizers, costing 100.00. Love that company but hate this part of heir business model.

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