Ahead of the 2025 NAMM Show, Viscount has introduced the Legend One, a portable all-in-one stage keyboard.
The Viscount Legend One is designed for live performance, and covers organ, acoustic & electric pianos, synths, strings and more.
Two models are available:
- The Legend ONE 61 has the waterfall keyboard and weighs 10kg (22 lbs)
- The Legend ONE 73 has a “semiweighted” waterfall keyboard and weighs 11,5 kg (25 lbs).
Viscount Legend One Demo Videos:
Viscount Legend One Audio Demos:
See the Viscount site for details.
Roland just came out with a Nord clone as well. At least change the color from the red trim folks! Incredible.
Lol! Viscount made organs before Nord even existed.
In Viscount’s defence, I think the wood trim is more of a cherry finish than a straight up red like the classic Nord and recent Roland offerings.
Uh. Viscount made organs in 1969, to Clavia’s Nord Electro in 2001.
At least do a little bit of research folks! Incredible.
Roland have a long history of combo keyboards.
I think Viscount have the best Hammond emulation out there, even better than Nord and Hamond themselves. If the other piano and EP sounds are as good as what’s on my Nord Electro 5d 73, and the action is nicer, I could see me switching to one of these.
With all those faders, can this keyboard be used as a midi controller too? It could be worth it just for that.
I love older nord gears. Nord was affordable comparing to competitions back then and lots of free sounds.
Almost all hammond clones have a tell they are clones…
Nord’s are better sounding but Viscount’s hammond sound is far better and a head and shoulder above the rest of the clone gang.
Having the hammond sound in priority when buying a stage key, considering the organ quality of Viscount and its price, it’s a winner.