Nagual Dance Uses Kinect To Translate Movement Into Music

Berlin-based Nagual Sounds has developed a new gestural musical instrument, Nagual Dance, based on the Microsoft Kinect. The system is based on two main components: Control data – from sensors, cameras, files and all kinds of sources – is used to turn gestures and movement into sounds; and The Soundscape -an interactive piece of music that… Read More Nagual Dance Uses Kinect To Translate Movement Into Music

Z Vector + Microsoft Kinect Lets You ‘Sample Reality’ In 3D HD

Z Vector is a new visualization tool that lets you use depth sensors, like the Microsoft Kinect and PrimeSense Carmine, “to sample reality in real-time, visualize it the way you like and explore it in 3D with Full HD resolution.” Designed to be a live performance tool, rather than a programming environment, Z Vector can animate nearly… Read More Z Vector + Microsoft Kinect Lets You ‘Sample Reality’ In 3D HD

Kinect + 3D Graphics + Dubstep = The V Motion Project

The V Motion Project is a striking multimedia project that combines the talents of musicians, dancers, programmers, designers and animators to create a ‘visual instrument’ that uses the Microsoft Kinect to capture movement and translate it into music and visuals. Here’s what the developers have to say about the V Motion Project and the video above:… Read More Kinect + 3D Graphics + Dubstep = The V Motion Project