Moog Music Shipping Werkstatt Synth Worldwide, Launches ‘Werkstatt Workshop’ Learning Portal

Today Moog Music announced worldwide availability of its Werkstatt-01 Analog Synthesizer Moogfest 2014 Kit. The patchable analog synth was originally only available to Engineering VIP ticket holders at Moogfest. There was substantial interest in a wider release for the Werkstatt at Synthtopia and elsewhere. Moog Music made a limited US release of the Werkstatt-01 this summer, followed… Read More Moog Music Shipping Werkstatt Synth Worldwide, Launches ‘Werkstatt Workshop’ Learning Portal

Propellerhead Announces May Music Making Month

Propellerhead has announced that they are dubbing May 2011 Music Making Month and are planning a month-long set of activities to to promote music-making. Propellerhead plans to serve up a packed schedule of daily online events, including: interactive workshops, Q&A sessions with artists, new tutorial content, webcasts of live events and clinics from places around the world.