35 thoughts on “MacBeth Elements Synthesizer – A ‘No-Compromise’ Analog Synth

      1. Instant future classic. Few will be made, built like a tank, sounds like a Macbeth… some time from now, collectors will be pushing these on Ebay for lots o money… This synth looks like an investment opportunity.

  1. It actually looks like it could be a kit… Will it be offered in kit form (PCB, hardware, pots), I wonder?

    That way, another 1% of the 99% will be able to afford it.

    I’d save up, I love almost everything about it. Except for the ADSR pots, they should be linears, not rotational.

    Otherwise, I’ll go back to my own design and bring more VCOs to the front panel!

    1. Your money and your car. It’ll be awesome but I spent over a year waiting for the MicroMac D from the time it was supposed to be on sale. Even the guy from Analogue Haven sounded exasperated with the wait.

  2. For ‘no compromise’ read ‘fucking expensive.

    Macbeth’s stuff is probably the best quality out there, though. The M5 has the best sound I’ve ever heard on a synth. Not just a modern one, either.

    1. Maybe it will have a rack ears kit …. I mean it looks to fit 19″ so those existing keys would make sense in that scenario.

      1. That’s a good point and makes a lot of sense. Given that there is not mod wheels either. I guess it’s a rackmout unit.

        I would still have preferred a real keyboard with mod wheels to turn this into a standalone performance instrument.

    2. Ken developed this for the macbeth nexus (look it up on youtube) and can be really interesting to use. also yes, it is rack-mountable, or at least the prototypes (elements one, two, three, .. were developed as a rack mounted modules)

  3. Oh god!! I bet it sounds better than any other synth on earth..the M5 is the best sounding synth I ever heard so far..this looks beautiful.
    Anyone want to buy a kidney? It’s in good shape. Sort of..

  4. Oh god!! I bet it sounds better than any other synth on earth..the M5 is the best sounding synth I ever heard so far..this looks beautiful. Anyone want to buy a kidney? It’s in good shape. Sort of..

  5. That guy just can’t stop making amazing synths that I can’t afford! But I’m sure they’re worth every penny, so, keep at it, Ken!
    p.s. It’s bad luck to call it by name. It should be referred to as “The Scottish Synth”.

  6. too classical architecture and wow a price …
    take three microbrute and you have more modulations than mcbeth elements & sub37 together…

  7. Did this synth replace the 5 different modules?
    If one is interested in one of kens synths you best grab one in the making cause every project seems to be taking new forms all the time.
    I kind of like it.

    Cool concept, over the top for me.
    But seriously, this has to be the coolest synth he has built up to date. Or maby the m5

    Fuck patchmemory

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