BOCS – Volume 1 (Boards Of Canada Synthesis)

BOCSSampleism has released BOCS Volume 1 – a sound library inspired by the sound of Boards Of Canada.

These sounds have been created using the same types of methods used by the group. Vintage analog synths, 4-tracks, valve amps VHS recorders were used.

As a result, the sounds have a ‘dirty, dusty, and dream like quality’.

Here’s a preview:

BOCS Volume 1 Sample pack requires the fully working version of Kontakt 5 to work. The purchased download consists of 10 Kontakt NKI files.

BOCS Volume 1 is available at the Sampleism site for £4.99.

21 thoughts on “BOCS – Volume 1 (Boards Of Canada Synthesis)

  1. Totally get the logic here: let’s make cheap and easily available sounds that copy one of the greatest and most original electronic acts in history, so others can copy them with little to no effort and either a) claim to be the next BOC, b) make fake, yet authentic-sounding tracks to pass on as BOC, or c) continue to use presets and act as if making detailed, original sounds is horribly difficult and time-consuming. Ok, it might be time-consuming, but it’s worth it!

    1. How are sample libraries different than presets – or from using any instrument with a distinctive sound?

      It’s what you do with it that makes the difference.

      1. Are you kidding me? The Preset Generation will love this. All the workflow minus the work and chucked into Kontakt. Why bother learning your craft when libraries like these are available?

        1. Again, just because you don’t do it that way doesn’t make it any less valid.

          For the record I am more than capable of making sounds from scratch but I still value great samples and presets.

          Wut is right, it’s what you do with it that counts and no disparaging remarks or holier-than-thou elitism will ever change that. Relax, enjoy what you do and let others enjoy what they do.

          Starting to think there is a severe case of hate-filled prejudice developing in the music production world and I never thought of it like that – it’s always been a very pleasant place to be. Different opinions are fine, it’s perfectly possible to suggest another approach without being insulting; so why label someone as ‘fake’ because they use presets or accuse them of being from the ‘preset generation’ like it’s a bad thing?

          Are DJ’s ‘fake’ because they use other peoples sounds? Is someone who plays a mellotron ‘fake’? Or do they have to go and make their own tapes before they can be taken seriously? Or how about “You’re not a real synthesist until you’ve dug up some sand and made your own transistors to build your own design of synth”?

          I’m definitely in keyboard warrior mode this week… I’ll go back to keeping quiet on stuff like this soon I promise, maybe even now… 😀

          1. If you ever have the good fortune to get a gig doing scoring, you’ll come to appreciate presets and sound libraries.

            The goal isn’t to fake BOC, but to add these ingredients in your kitchen. If you’re making Mexican food, you gott have some cumin.

            It comes down to being professional, and making music that not only meets the clients needs and schedule, but works as an interesting piece of music.

            Are you going to criticize John Williams because he uses the same sounds as Holst?

            You gotta make music. It doesn’t matter where your sounds come from, you’ve got to make music with them.

      2. > How are sample libraries different than presets – or from using any instrument with a distinctive sound?

        They aren’t. But what’s makes synthesizers valuable instruments for many musicians is the ability to craft unique, or original sounds in the first place.

    2. I love presets, samples and all that…

      In less than 2 hours preparation time I recently put together a short 20 minute set to perform live at an open mic night.

      The material was not original, during the performance all I did was mix and tweak live.

      Nevertheless. I had people up dancing (yes – at an open mic night!) thoroughly enjoying themselves, as I looked around the room there were smiles everywhere.

      Seriously – what is the problem?

      Just because you don’t personally like or appreciate something, there is no need to be so nasty!

    1. Looks interesting – but for windows users only.

      You can learn a lot from trying to recreate sounds of artists like BOC. They’re using vintage gear and embracing its flaws, so you can get that feel by detuning oscillators, using LFOs to modulate the oscillators individually a slight amount, using the ‘analog’ option to mess with the tuning, etc.

  2. Yeah I don’t get why some people have such a problem with this. Maybe people need to hold judgment until they’ve actually used it? I’m a die hard boards of canada fan and I love it! As a fan I have a rough idea how they get their sound (It’s been over 15 years since mhtrtc) but I don’t have the money to afford a number of vintage analog synths required to get the sound let alone maintain them and I don’t have the space to keep them if I could. I don’t want to create it using vsti’s as it won’t sound as real.

    I’ve bought both Phonec and Bocs. Phonec is fun but Imo Bocs is way better as it seems to be the real deal ie true analog and using the same type of equipment as boards of canada. The sounds are by far the most accurate I’ve heard. I have bocs vol 1 but I plan to use it for my own music. Not to make an attempt at recreating theirs as mine would just sound like a poor imitation. I think people have to accept that boards of canada have been around for a long time and the boc style pad is heard in all genres of music. Thats a hell of a legacy to leave that few have managed 🙂

  3. i love boards but rather not know what they use and def wouldn’t use a sample library of sounds to mimic them but to each is own.

  4. There is a class of artist that relies solely on samples and presets because:

    Either they don’t have the knowledge or experience to make their own


    They are too lazy

    Or perhaps a combination of both .

    I think packs like this are cool because they facilitate and inspire.

    I started out using loops and presets and that got me very excited about music making. Extremely so actually.

    I couldn’t believe how easy it was to create a track by choosing bits and pieces and assembling them together.

    After awhile I started to learn how to make my own stuff and pretty much abandoned pre made loops and presets and only used loops as quick fills here and there, but that is rare these days.

    So I’m saying that packs like this are invaluable to get one started and help when creative blocks arise .

  5. If the logic in the statement regarding using samples was something people would take seriously then hip hop would probably not exist and neither would drum and bass. So i recommend you take a laxative and slowly let that stick come off your ass.

  6. You don’t have to have tons of vintage gear to make the same sounds as BOC, so saying this is all I can afford is a lame excuse for pure laziness. All you need is a creative mind, think about the sound you want and create it with the tools you have, with todays DAWs there is no excuse for not making your own sounds. There is a certain amount of pleasure that comes from tweaking and manipulating a sound to make it sound like you. With these types of sound banks you’re not doing anything other than remixing other peoples creativity, which is fine but don’t try to pass it off as you.

  7. That’s not true. I’m convinced you do need vintage gear to get their a realistic take on their sound. I’m talking about getting their actual sound not close to it. I don’t care what anyone says I don’t buy into that ‘you can create it with anything’ approach. If that were the case no one would use professional standard equipment, I mean why spend the money when the Fisher Price ‘my first keyboard’ will do the trick? I do have external equipment to which I use to craft my own sounds. I know how to create sounds and have been doing so for years. I don’t think it’s right to call someone lazy just because they have a different opinion on the matter. Maybe we have different standards to whats an acceptable level of quality of sound but I refuse to accept tweaking some useless weak filter on a virtual anolag synth running it through a terrible wow and flutter vst effect and saying ‘yep, nailed that sound’

    This BOCS sample pack is really very good and believe it or not you can use post effects in you DAW to tweak the sound to your specific taste if you want.

    I agree with baddcr’s quote
    “Starting to think there is a severe case of hate-filled prejudice developing in the music production world and I never thought of it like that – it’s always been a very pleasant place to be” – Too true.

  8. I’ve calmed down a bit now. I guess my point is if you like the way you source your sounds then thats great but let others do it their way. Their is no right or wrong way of going about it. All that matters is if you use it to create what you consider a good piece of music.

    For what it is I think BOCS is great, really very good.

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