The life of a superstar electronic musician is not all debauchery and babes.
Moby reveals, in this otherwise pretty boring interview for Suicide Girls radio, that the stories about him having hot tub orgies are false!
The life of a superstar electronic musician is not all debauchery and babes.
Moby reveals, in this otherwise pretty boring interview for Suicide Girls radio, that the stories about him having hot tub orgies are false!
I totally believe him – Those photos I saw posted on Facebook by coeds from NYU were not actually photos of half-naked coeds from NYU, but distinguished Finnish diplomats discussing international politics and veganism with the esteemed Mr. Moby, while taking sophisticated vitamins (NOT ecstasy).
Seriously, Moby is WAY too busy programming inoffensive almost-dance beats and playing gentle synth pads to be concerned with college-age hussies in a hot tub. Please. He is far too classy and reserved.