Rusty Trombone have launched Erectifier VST – a free plug-in for Mac and Windows that makes things sound bigger.
Erectifier works as a doubler, or demented phaser, it is designed to widen and phatten. Of course you can misuse that as well. you have an LFO that controls how long back an echo is. You can set the length and speed of this LFO.
Then there is a filter that can be LowPass, HighPass or Allpass, and a cut Hz so that you can control where the cut is.
The distortion is to grit up the sound a little, or a lot, it’s not the worlds bestest distortion. Then you can amplify the signal, if you want to. The filter can cut away a lot of the volume, that’s why we have it. Then finally there is a on/off. There are two to the left side and two on the right side. and finally one dry through parameter. So if you’d like to test one of your settings, turn the other three off (via on/off parameter) and then tweak away, baby.
There are a few presets (yeah, we didn’t feel like making a lot of them, so we forced that guy to make a random-function and make a lot of presets there).
Check out this funny audio demo of Erectifier:
[display_podcast]Erectifier is a free download from the Rusty Trombone site. If you give it a try, leave a comment with your thoughts!
Heres the background on Erectifier:
A little while ago, we, Rusty Trombone of very little fame discussed how to get our music better (specifically the singing) and also how to get more ppl to notice us. So we commissioned this little VST from world famous VST developer, to give away for free, as marketing. Yeah, baby, for free, as marketing. Hopefully this will be as awesome for us as it is for you. Let us warn you though, we seldom read manuals, and we’ve never written anything like this. Anyways if you could listen a little to our music, tip a few friends of our music, be our friend at myspace, that would be awesome. please, we are begging, our knees are bleeding. puhlease.