Autobahn Nagelbett T-Shirt (Big Lebowski)

productimage-picture-autobahn-414We like the synth t-shirts as much as anybody, but this Autobahn Nagelbett t-shirt has gone straight to the top of the list.

Autobahn is the fictitional techno-pop band, Kraftwerk parody, from The Big Lebowski.

Some Big Lebowski Autobahn trivia for you:

  • The Autobahn album cover is stylistically similar to the cover of the Kraftwerk classic, Man-Machine.
  • The title of their album, Nagelbett, is German for “nail bed.”
  • Song titles on the Autobahn LP Nagelbett include: Saturation, Faking It, Hit and Run, No Way Out, Violate U-Blue, Beg me, Take It In and the classic Edelweiss (Club mix).
  • They are nihilists…..nothing to be afraid of.

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