‘Digital Drugs’ Make People Of Oklahoma Go Insane!

News 9 in Oklahoma City reports that “I-dosing on ‘digital drugs‘ is becoming an alarming new trend amongst teens.”

So called ‘digital drugs’  are audio files embedded with binaural beats, which are sounds that supposedly have drug-like powers over the mind, when listened to over headphones.

Only – it’s pretend. There’s no scientific evidence of binaural beats altering people’s mental states in the ways that recreational drugs do.

The News 9 story not only suggests that binaural beats are a gateway drug – but that they could send demons through the headphones of your iPod and open the Gates Of Hades!

Have ‘digital drugs’ made the people of Oklahoma go insane? Check this out and let me know what you think.

And if you live in Oklahoma – please leave a comment and say something reassuring!

via NEWS9OklahomaCity

32 thoughts on “‘Digital Drugs’ Make People Of Oklahoma Go Insane!

  1. The most harmful drug in the world is TV news. Side effects: totally warps reality and leaves one feeling anxious and/or nauseous.

    Be esp. wary of the sensationalist half-assed variety.


  2. I thought this was a joke, but there is another news report out there from the same high school. I guess the solution is some good ol' Christian Metal! That'll fix you right up.

  3. What kills me is that they'e able to line up a series of people that genuinely seem to believe that binaural beats are the gateway drug to hell itself.

    This sort of thing explains why people still think Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.

  4. come on i've listened to binaural beats before,certainly with avid concentration and about an hour on your hands they can have a marginal effect but NOTHING like this…

  5. whut? kidz liek 2 do drukgz?? hahahahahahaha people are so paranoid. this is just the latest incarnation of the backmasking messages from satan craze..
    audiokayness, you pretty much nailed it

  6. These Oklahomans are so dumb they can't even lip sync properly – unless they're all DOPED! (Or POSSESSED!)

    When I was ten years old, I persuaded my friends that they could get high by sticking an empty soda syphon gas cartridge up their nose and sniffing the residues (air). It was instructive watching them stagger around compliantly. I've also watched friends get drunk on a ginger root drink that contained no alcohol.

    On a more serious note, I can believe that long exposure to binaural beats could cause headaches or possibly trigger epilepsy in sensitive people. Or OPEN THE GATES OF HADES!

  7. These Oklahomans are so dumb they can't even lip sync properly – unless they're all DOPED! (Or POSSESSED!)

    When I was ten years old, I persuaded my friends that they could get high by sticking an empty soda syphon gas cartridge up their nose and sniffing the residues (air). It was instructive watching them stagger around compliantly. I've also watched friends get drunk on a ginger root drink that contained no alcohol (but they thought it did).

    On a more serious note, I can believe that long exposure to binaural beats could cause headaches or possibly trigger epilepsy in sensitive people. Or OPEN THE GATES OF HADES!

  8. Of course, the early Pink Floyd stated that they did not encourage the use of drugs, but that their shows provided a similar audio/visual experience for the audience without the need for said audience to indulge in naughty substances. This statement was enthusiastically ratified by the audience, half of whom were smoking dope and the other half sharing the second-hand fog.

    Of course, the digital drug phenomenon is an invention of the evil Bill Gates, currently sitting in his castle operating the joystick that controls Steve Jobs. What he has failed to realize is that there is no point in enslaving the world's teenagers, as they'd only make a bone-idle slave workforce. It's a mistake all would-be world-conquering evil geniuses make every time.

  9. while you post your reply on your computer, and drive to work in your car, and forget about the electricity powering them.. think about who invented those things

    and keep on laughing, clown

  10. Laughing (hard), but not with you I'm afraid; the generally accepted answers to your questions are;

    1) Alan Turing, Konrad Zuse, or possibly Charles Babbage. The Chinese might have something to say about the Abacus, and the Indians a little on Vedic maths, but you know, we're trying to keep it s-i-m-p-l-e.
    2) Karl Benz.
    3) William Gilbert.

    To clarify; no Americans present in the list. Plenty further on down the line.

    Which isn't to say America isn't a fine country full of amazing people, creativity, ideas and a love of big ideas; or that the phrase "America, the whole world's laughing. At you…" is even slightly fair, considering the state of things generally around the world… just that taking the credit for "inventing" the things you mentioned sounds like exactly the kind of ignorance that the last poster was taking a pot-shot at. The kind of cr&p that's guaranteed to get you laughed at.

    We all stand on the shoulders of giants. Some of us choose to bungee off. Some of us don't even check the knots.

  11. I think I gotta go back to my roots and make some pure evil black metal album just out of binaural beats… the panda bear community gonna love it!

  12. Hahaha…cool story, reminded me of the time in highschool we got this
    really niave guy that we knew drunk off of Sparkling Cider. he got drunk
    cos we convinced him it was champaign.

  13. ( while standing at the entrance to a dark alley )
    " Hey…got some really good binaural beats…mess you up real good…try before you buy "

  14. this is funny, stupid, and sad. i cant believe the level of stupidity. umm they better check their water supply instead and their food for some stupid drugs the government is experimenting with.

  15. Most likely the placebo effect dealing with perception and expectation. If pleasant effects are anticipated the listener will feel euphoric. Viewed as harmful, it can cause negative effects, which is known as the nocebo effect. The mind is easily manipulated…maybe the "government" is instilling a new fear to create more regulation and control. ?

  16. Maybe it's the record companies, eager to maintain their excellent track record in dealing with post-CD technologies. So, we'll have the big-spend, brow-beating marketing slogan: 'legally acquired music doesn't have drugs!' then, of course, this will backfire spectacularly.

  17. Yeah, man, we had same thing on TV in Russia…. They had doctors speak about actual effects of binaural sound on brain, which can cause serious brainwave desynchronisation, which is closely resembles the state of mind of a drug addict and blah blah and by no means, never use it. But it showed on nearly all channels and made me think of some new anti-drug policy, to switch the kids on this placebo thing.
    On the other hand the 'net crawled with sites, on which you could buy an mp3 with cocaine in it, so it could be some business model/idea.

  18. Subliminal messages, in the means to activate several senses in our conscient mind and many has possible, this have been an work of the media for long time now, we are submitted to watch millions of this messages during our preferred TV shows, and so long. All the media is made by persons with feelings and not inducted to people, by the fact that actors want attention and the Trademarks aswell for some time since the 60´s this is addicting young people till the limit of is minds, this is the end of technology as we see it, humans are modding this to themselfs as a mean of olders, forgeting that the young minds dont last long in periods of time watching fake publicity and subliminal mess, the parents asswell have their own fault on the meaning of things, like we are back to the time of, we have power to rule and destroy even if we dont want that to happen, Rock Bands, publicity, consumism, with no orientation is asswell a drug bigger than this article, so persons made that to themselfs why should people caught in the middle of missorientation, care about it, well im a muscian owner of Digital Sketching and im worried allways in what i give to the market less subliminal mess less public but we are not even carring that burn and we want to keep on, digital have to be ledge as any other Profession in the world if people dont ledge it in schools, universities etc, why should lower budget firms like mine have to care and we care, no mess in the act, to dont care, less is more etc.

    well people take care and we dont want to loose our business, and we care about and there is parental codes in Ipods, parental codes in records, parental codes in web, the fault is from who ledge the knowledge people parental codes to everything!! because knowledge never make space and loosing a son to Drugs or simple loosing it because you dont care lives alot of space, believe me…

  19. This really isnt new. I remember two years ago all the kids at school were doing these but the fad died off quick enough. I think they work just as well as meditating. If you sit quietly for an hour listening to anything in a dark room you'll feel relaxed.

    funny though that people freak out about it as if its gonna kill their kids.

  20. ok people this is not as crazy stupid as u think back in the 50's cia experimented with this stuff for use with large groups of people not saying this is the same stuff or anything but sound can stop your heart boil your blood i mean if u dont beleave me look up iaska audio competitions

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