38 thoughts on “Korg Kronos Teaser 2 – Prepare To Be Amazed…..Again!

  1. It's a helmet. Sensors are located all over the thing to figure out the music in your head and transfer it to your computer. There is a small cable and sticky patch that gets stuck to your chest to pick up information from your heart, as well. USB versions are a bit cheaper than the WiFi enabled versions, but both work equally well. Daft Punk has been part of the co-development team for the past ten years. Sorry to spoil it for all of you.

  2. Haha, I'm pretty prepared for amazement after the mind blowing sonic preview of a simple waveform with a square wave lfo on the filter. I just hope Korg didn't blow their R&D budget on licensing that rad oscillating drone from 1994.

  3. If i prepare to be amazed, will I still be amazed? Surely they should get us to expect nothing, so we can be amazed. Korg – keep expectations low! Admittedly Korg have been hitting some home runs lately in the synth department. I'm cautious optimistic, and I'll keep a spare pare of pants on hand in case of amazement.

  4. If i prepare to be amazed, will I still be amazed? Surely they should get us to expect nothing, so we can be amazed. Korg – keep expectations low! Admittedly Korg have been hitting some home runs lately in the synth department. I'm cautious optimistic, and I'll keep a spare pair of pants on hand in case of amazement.

  5. Also.

    Korg: My music comes straight from the groin. Give me some kind of fat, detuning oscillator to strap to my crotch with an accelerometer in it to let me thrust out some dirty basslines.

  6. It's almost like they uploaded the same video twice and we didn't notice because we were too busy getting ready to be effin' amazed!

  7. Could definitely cause some injury performing the back and forth motions required for some of those wobbles ala Jamaican Daggering injuries.

  8. Could this actually be a sequencer?

    Korg seems to be focusing on software, recently, with the iMS20 and the i'Tribe and KLC and the like.

    …Is this an alternative to Ableton Live? Will it have an MS20 and a 'Tribe built in?

    If so, I might pay attention. I'm stuck on Live 6 and haven't been able to scrounge up the $300 for an update. If this is priced around that level, I would consider it.

  9. Also, I *really* don't think this is an Oasys update. They've kept the name (Oasys) for 20 years now, they're not going to suddenly change it.

  10. for some reason i am thinking they are trying to rip-off the "octamod" concept, which is ultra-similar to v-synth… but perhaps framed differently, maybe in a groovebox style, maybe keyboard/groovebox

    who knows, although in terms of historical mythology Kronos is certainly not the same as Chronos.. so, Im not sure if Korg is smart enough to dig that deep or not.. because Kronos was not considered the "god of time" or "father time" or whatever by the greeks, (who spelled it as Kronos), he was a titan and the father of Zeus – sort of a primordial origin type figure… the romans later developed the time aspect by matching him with Saturn, and they called him Cronus

  11. I think a true music workstation should Unify all the components of music production: As mainly a software user( i meant no hardware synths ), i'm still craving for a true modern workstation, that fully accomplishes with dexterity that the computer has tried to deliver during all these years, without all the frustration though, something that doesn't overwhelm in terms of technology but inspires creativity and lets you put that inspiration down safely and easily…

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