What $100,000 Of Modular Synth Gear Looks Like

Buchla 200e modular synthesizer

Saturday Synth Porn: Ever wonder what $100,000 of modular synth gear would look like?

Probably like a lot like this photo of four Buchla 200e modular synthesizers, via buchlajoe.

The only way this photo could be more awesome is if the line of Buchla synths extended off into infinity.

Note: The $100,000 price tag may be a bit high, but we padded it a bit to allow for lots of patch cables.

18 thoughts on “What $100,000 Of Modular Synth Gear Looks Like

  1. Disgusting. Nobody wants to hear about your exploits with your hairless inchworm.

    Continuing on, why the hell would someone spend 100k on 4 of those things? If I had that kind of cash, I'd build a kickass studio with a bunch of synths, a computer with a crap load of plugins, a whole host of outboard racks and effect boxes, and the best monitors I could find. Whoever has 100k to drop on 4 Buchlas probably has a few extra hundred thousand lying around anyway, no mere mortal would spend a large percentage of his savings on something like that.

  2. If you check out the flickr page the photo comes from (and you really should as there are way more synths to look at) you will learn that these synths are owned by different people. They just put them together spur of the moment to make for a cool photo op.

  3. I see… otherwise I would have thought those babies were so expensive that he can't afford a studio anymore and that's why they stand in his kitchen (as the background tells me). ^^

  4. some people love old-style gear you know and not all of us are into computers doing the whole music. I agree that the system pictured is expensive, but then again quality does cost and its not likely that a system like this would be used in commercial music as such as Buchla equipment is mostly used in experimental music and science-lab music studio institutes.

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