New iPad Vocoder, Voix

iPad vocoder

Voix is a new basic 8-band vocoder for iPad.


  • Simple to use: just speak into the iPad mic while playing the keyboard.
  • Slide your finger across the ribbon controller for finer pitch control.
  • Play up to 5 octaves with the Octave Up and Down buttons.
  • Make speech more intelligible with the HF Emphasis button.
  • Play the vocoder like a regular sawtooth synth with the Bypass Vocoder button.
  • Record your performances, save them to your computer with iTunes or send them via e-mail.

Voix is priced at $.99; no mention is made of professional features like MIDI support.

27 thoughts on “New iPad Vocoder, Voix

  1. Maybe on the Ipad vocoder you can sing a song about apple's factory workers committing suicide, and a vocoded chorus praising the fetish items real cost. The lad who sold his kidney for one, he could harmonize, duo polyphonic, software extravaganza.

  2. From your link:

    "We are not suggesting that working conditions at Foxconn are good. We've seen too much evidence that they are horrible to say that."

    Also, that article was from mid 2010 when the total was 9. The 2010 suicide total was 18, with dozens of failed attempts. Even if comparing the suicide rate of employees of a company to a country made sense- which on a scientific level it obviously doesn't- the yearly total was double what you linked. And Nicholas Carlson is barely a journalist; read any of his other editorials for proof.

    So what exactly was your point?

  3. Don't get me wrong, the comments thread of a post about a vocoder is an odd forum of discussion to bring up Foxconn's problems, especially because Foxconn isn't Apple, and they make parts for lots of high-volume companies. However, it's easy to understand that as Apple's business makes Foxconn more and more profitable, they have more ability and responsibility to impose regulation. Money is power is influence is complicity. While it would have made sense to call this guy out for the appropriateness of having that discussion here, attempting to gaslight him with an outdated editorial based on a faulty premise is pernicious to say the least. A worker committed suicide at Foxconn's Chengdu plant just 15 days ago. Some people draw the line at sweatshops (Nike), child labor (GAP), or support of anti-union paramilitary terrorism (Coca-Cola). This guy looks at Apple's handling of Foxconn and says "I cannot morally support a corporation which privately looks the other way while this happens." What is so terrible about non-participation in acts and boycotts of products of the organizations you feel contribute to evil? Why do you feel the need to disabuse him of his ideals?

  4. What bothers me about the iPhone suicide factory story is that it is completely fabricated and that Apple-bashers are making light of a very serious topic.

    The average suicide rate for China is 28 suicides per 100,000 people per year, according to independent sources (

    That means that Foxconn, which employs about 400,000 people, would be expected to have about 112 (28 * 4) employee suicides per year, not the 18 you cited.

    So the real question is:

    Why is the Foxconn suicide rate so much lower than China's national average?

    And why are rates in the US three times higher than Foxconn's?

    is it because we shipped all the good manufacturing jobs over to China and we've got a 9% unemployment rate………?

    I've never seen a writer on this topic compare Foxconn's suicide rate to the suicide rate for factory workers in the US. There's only one explanation for that – it would kill the story.

    I'm fine with boycotting evil corporations – but don't pretend that China's got a monopoly on them.

  5. What bothers me about the iPhone suicide factory story is that it is completely fabricated and that Apple-bashers are making light of a very serious topic.

    The average suicide rate for China is 28 suicides per 100,000 people per year, according to independent sources (

    That means that Foxconn, which employs about 400,000 people, would be expected to have about 112 (28 * 4) employee suicides per year, not the 18 you cited.

    So the real question is:

    Why is the Foxconn suicide rate so much lower than China's national average?

    And why are rates in the US three times higher than Foxconn's?

    is it because we shipped all the good manufacturing jobs over to China and we've got a 9% unemployment rate………?

    I've never seen a writer on this topic compare Foxconn's suicide rate to the suicide rate for factory workers in the US. There's only one explanation for that – it would kill the story.

    I'm fine with boycotting evil corporations – but don't pretend that China's got a monopoly on them.

  6. What bothers me about the iPhone suicide factory story is that it is completely fabricated and that Apple-bashers are making light of a very serious topic.

    The average suicide rate for China is 28 suicides per 100,000 people per year, according to independent sources (

    That means that Foxconn, which employs about 400,000 people, would be expected to have about 112 (28 * 4) employee suicides per year, not the 18 you cited.

    So the real question is:

    Why is the Foxconn suicide rate so much lower than China's national average?

    And why are rates in the US three times higher than Foxconn's?

    is it because we shipped all the good manufacturing jobs over to China and we've got a 9% unemployment rate………?

    I've never seen a writer on this topic compare Foxconn's suicide rate to the suicide rate for factory workers in the US. There's only one explanation for that – it would kill the story.

    I'm fine with boycotting evil corporations – but don't pretend that China's got a monopoly on them.

  7. What bothers me about the iPhone suicide factory story is that it is completely fabricated and that Apple-bashers are making light of a very serious topic.

    The average suicide rate for China is 28 suicides per 100,000 people per year, according to independent sources (

    That means that Foxconn, which employs about 400,000 people, would be expected to have about 112 (28 * 4) employee suicides per year, not the 18 you cited.

    So the real question is:

    Why is the Foxconn suicide rate so much lower than China's national average?

    And why are rates in the US three times higher than Foxconn's?

    is it because we shipped all the good manufacturing jobs over to China and we've got a 9% unemployment rate………?

    I've never seen a writer on this topic compare Foxconn's suicide rate to the suicide rate for factory workers in the US. There's only one explanation for that – it would kill the story.

    I'm fine with boycotting evil corporations – but don't pretend that China's got a monopoly on them.

  8. What bothers me about the iPhone suicide factory story is that it is completely fabricated and that Apple-bashers are making light of a very serious topic.

    The average suicide rate for China is 28 suicides per 100,000 people per year, according to independent sources (

    That means that Foxconn, which employs about 400,000 people, would be expected to have about 112 (28 * 4) employee suicides per year, not the 18 you cited.

    So the real question is:

    Why is the Foxconn suicide rate so much lower than China's national average?

    And why are rates in the US three times higher than Foxconn's?

    is it because we shipped all the good manufacturing jobs over to China and we've got a 9% unemployment rate………?

    I've never seen a writer on this topic compare Foxconn's suicide rate to the suicide rate for factory workers in the US. There's only one explanation for that – it would kill the story.

    I'm fine with boycotting evil corporations – but don't pretend that China's got a monopoly on them.

  9. What bothers me about the iPhone suicide factory story is that it is completely fabricated and that Apple-bashers are making light of a very serious topic.

    The average suicide rate for China is 28 suicides per 100,000 people per year, according to independent sources (

    That means that Foxconn, which employs about 400,000 people, would be expected to have about 112 (28 * 4) employee suicides per year, not the 18 you cited.

    So the real question is:

    Why is the Foxconn suicide rate so much lower than China's national average?

    And why are rates in the US three times higher than Foxconn's?

    is it because we shipped all the good manufacturing jobs over to China and we've got a 9% unemployment rate………?

    I've never seen a writer on this topic compare Foxconn's suicide rate to the suicide rate for factory workers in the US. There's only one explanation for that – it would kill the story.

    I'm fine with boycotting evil corporations – but don't pretend that China's got a monopoly on them.

  10. You self-righteous piece of trash. You're the one making light of a serious topic here, by diminishing these deaths.

    You absolutely do not understand mathematics, risk factors or how statistical analysis works. Do you actually think your little equation has any basis in reality? It's laughably oversimplified. Have you heard the phrase "sampling bias"? How can you control for age, class, gender, and -employment status- of Foxconn employees? You can't. The comparison you're attempting to make is the most nonsensical and ignorant thing I've read all week.

    You also don't know what you're talking about when it comes to economics. About those "good manufacturing jobs" you mention: China only surged ahead of the US in manufacturing output within the last few months- years into our recession- but with 100,000,000 manufacturing workers vs. our 11,500,000. What's good about inefficiency again?

    Who said China had a monopoly on evil corporations? Who said Foxconn was an "evil corporation"? What the hell is an evil corporation in the first place? What are you talking about here

    Here are some "real questions" for you:

    What's wrong with a culture that's never had a middle class and has shown no serious effort to create one selling a lie to their people that's an even greater lie than the American dream turned out to be? Do you deny that exploitation happens? Do you deny that evil exists? Do you deny that causality exists? Do you think you are entitled to more basic human rights than anyone else? Are you a CHILD? Stop thinking black and white and talking blithely about concepts you have a facile grasp of. If you want to participate in a conversation, make a serious attempt to understand it first.

    Here's a Wikipedia link that describes everything wrong with what you wrote. Seek help:

    Delusional Projection: Grossly frank delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.

    Denial: Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist; resolution of emotional conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more unpleasant aspects of external reality.

    Distortion: A gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs.

    Splitting: A primitive defense. Negative and positive impulses are split off and unintegrated. Fundamental example: An individual views other people as either innately good or innately evil, rather than a whole continuous being.

    Extreme projection: The blatant denial of a moral or psychological deficiency, which is perceived as a deficiency in another individual or group.

  11. You self-righteous piece of trash. You're the one making light of a serious topic here, by diminishing these deaths.

    You absolutely do not understand mathematics, risk factors or how statistical analysis works. Do you actually think your little equation has any basis in reality? It's laughably oversimplified. Have you heard the phrase "sampling bias"? How can you control for age, class, gender, and -employment status- of Foxconn employees? You can't. The comparison you're attempting to make is the most nonsensical and ignorant thing I've read all week.

    You also don't know what you're talking about when it comes to economics. About those "good manufacturing jobs" you mention: China only surged ahead of the US in manufacturing output within the last few months- years into our recession- but with 100,000,000 manufacturing workers vs. our 11,500,000. What's good about inefficiency again?

    Who said China had a monopoly on evil corporations? Who said Foxconn was an "evil corporation"? What the hell is an evil corporation in the first place? What are you talking about here

    Here are some "real questions" for you:

    What's wrong with a culture that's never had a middle class and has shown no serious effort to create one selling a lie to their people that's an even greater lie than the American dream turned out to be? Do you deny that exploitation happens? Do you deny that evil exists? Do you deny that causality exists? Do you think you are entitled to more basic human rights than anyone else? Are you a CHILD? Stop thinking black and white and talking blithely about concepts you have a facile grasp of. If you want to participate in a conversation, make a serious attempt to understand it first.

    Here's a Wikipedia link that describes everything wrong with what you wrote. Seek help:

    Delusional Projection: Grossly frank delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.

    Denial: Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist; resolution of emotional conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more unpleasant aspects of external reality.

    Distortion: A gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs.

    Splitting: A primitive defense. Negative and positive impulses are split off and unintegrated. Fundamental example: An individual views other people as either innately good or innately evil, rather than a whole continuous being.

    Extreme projection: The blatant denial of a moral or psychological deficiency, which is perceived as a deficiency in another individual or group.

  12. You self-righteous piece of trash. You're the one making light of a serious topic here, by diminishing these deaths.

    You absolutely do not understand mathematics, risk factors or how statistical analysis works. Do you actually think your little equation has any basis in reality? It's laughably oversimplified. Have you heard the phrase "sampling bias"? How can you control for age, class, gender, and -employment status- of Foxconn employees? You can't. The comparison you're attempting to make is the most nonsensical and ignorant thing I've read all week.

    You also don't know what you're talking about when it comes to economics. About those "good manufacturing jobs" you mention: China only surged ahead of the US in manufacturing output within the last few months- years into our recession- but with 100,000,000 manufacturing workers vs. our 11,500,000. What's good about inefficiency again?

    Who said China had a monopoly on evil corporations? Who said Foxconn was an "evil corporation"? What the hell is an evil corporation in the first place? What are you talking about here

    Here are some "real questions" for you:

    What's wrong with a culture that's never had a middle class and has shown no serious effort to create one selling a lie to their people that's an even greater lie than the American dream turned out to be? Do you deny that exploitation happens? Do you deny that evil exists? Do you deny that causality exists? Do you think you are entitled to more basic human rights than anyone else? Are you a CHILD? Stop thinking black and white and talking blithely about concepts you have a facile grasp of. If you want to participate in a conversation, make a serious attempt to understand it first.

    Here's a Wikipedia link that describes everything wrong with what you wrote. Seek help:

    Delusional Projection: Grossly frank delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.

    Denial: Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist; resolution of emotional conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more unpleasant aspects of external reality.

    Distortion: A gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs.

    Splitting: A primitive defense. Negative and positive impulses are split off and unintegrated. Fundamental example: An individual views other people as either innately good or innately evil, rather than a whole continuous being.

    Extreme projection: The blatant denial of a moral or psychological deficiency, which is perceived as a deficiency in another individual or group.

  13. You self-righteous piece of trash. You're the one making light of a serious topic here, by diminishing these deaths.

    You absolutely do not understand mathematics, risk factors or how statistical analysis works. Do you actually think your little equation has any basis in reality? It's laughably oversimplified. Have you heard the phrase "sampling bias"? How can you control for age, class, gender, and -employment status- of Foxconn employees? You can't. The comparison you're attempting to make is the most nonsensical and ignorant thing I've read all week.

    You also don't know what you're talking about when it comes to economics. About those "good manufacturing jobs" you mention: China only surged ahead of the US in manufacturing output within the last few months- years into our recession- but with 100,000,000 manufacturing workers vs. our 11,500,000. What's good about inefficiency again?

    Who said China had a monopoly on evil corporations? Who said Foxconn was an "evil corporation"? What the hell is an evil corporation in the first place? What are you talking about here

    Here are some "real questions" for you:

    What's wrong with a culture that's never had a middle class and has shown no serious effort to create one selling a lie to their people that's an even greater lie than the American dream turned out to be? Do you deny that exploitation happens? Do you deny that evil exists? Do you deny that causality exists? Do you think you are entitled to more basic human rights than anyone else? Are you a CHILD? Stop thinking black and white and talking blithely about concepts you have a facile grasp of. If you want to participate in a conversation, make a serious attempt to understand it first.

    Here's a Wikipedia link that describes everything wrong with what you wrote. Seek help:

    Delusional Projection: Grossly frank delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.

    Denial: Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist; resolution of emotional conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more unpleasant aspects of external reality.

    Distortion: A gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs.

    Splitting: A primitive defense. Negative and positive impulses are split off and unintegrated. Fundamental example: An individual views other people as either innately good or innately evil, rather than a whole continuous being.

    Extreme projection: The blatant denial of a moral or psychological deficiency, which is perceived as a deficiency in another individual or group.

  14. You self-righteous piece of trash. You're the one making light of a serious topic here, by diminishing these deaths.

    You absolutely do not understand mathematics, risk factors or how statistical analysis works. Do you actually think your little equation has any basis in reality? It's laughably oversimplified. Have you heard the phrase "sampling bias"? How can you control for age, class, gender, and -employment status- of Foxconn employees? You can't. The comparison you're attempting to make is the most nonsensical and ignorant thing I've read all week.

    You also don't know what you're talking about when it comes to economics. About those "good manufacturing jobs" you mention: China only surged ahead of the US in manufacturing output within the last few months- years into our recession- but with 100,000,000 manufacturing workers vs. our 11,500,000. What's good about inefficiency again?

    Who said China had a monopoly on evil corporations? Who said Foxconn was an "evil corporation"? What the hell is an evil corporation in the first place? What are you talking about here

    Here are some "real questions" for you:

    What's wrong with a culture that's never had a middle class and has shown no serious effort to create one selling a lie to their people that's an even greater lie than the American dream turned out to be? Do you deny that exploitation happens? Do you deny that evil exists? Do you deny that causality exists? Do you think you are entitled to more basic human rights than anyone else? Are you a CHILD? Stop thinking black and white and talking blithely about concepts you have a facile grasp of. If you want to participate in a conversation, make a serious attempt to understand it first.

    Here's a Wikipedia link that describes everything wrong with what you wrote. Seek help:

    Delusional Projection: Grossly frank delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.

    Denial: Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist; resolution of emotional conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more unpleasant aspects of external reality.

    Distortion: A gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs.

    Splitting: A primitive defense. Negative and positive impulses are split off and unintegrated. Fundamental example: An individual views other people as either innately good or innately evil, rather than a whole continuous being.

    Extreme projection: The blatant denial of a moral or psychological deficiency, which is perceived as a deficiency in another individual or group.

  15. You self-righteous piece of trash. You're the one making light of a serious topic here, by diminishing these deaths.

    You absolutely do not understand mathematics, risk factors or how statistical analysis works. Do you actually think your little equation has any basis in reality? It's laughably oversimplified. Have you heard the phrase "sampling bias"? How can you control for age, class, gender, and -employment status- of Foxconn employees? You can't. The comparison you're attempting to make is the most nonsensical and ignorant thing I've read all week.

    You also don't know what you're talking about when it comes to economics. About those "good manufacturing jobs" you mention: China only surged ahead of the US in manufacturing output within the last few months- years into our recession- but with 100,000,000 manufacturing workers vs. our 11,500,000. What's good about inefficiency again?

    Who said China had a monopoly on evil corporations? Who said Foxconn was an "evil corporation"? What the hell is an evil corporation in the first place? What are you talking about here

    Here are some "real questions" for you:

    What's wrong with a culture that's never had a middle class and has shown no serious effort to create one selling a lie to their people that's an even greater lie than the American dream turned out to be? Do you deny that exploitation happens? Do you deny that evil exists? Do you deny that causality exists? Do you think you are entitled to more basic human rights than anyone else? Are you a CHILD? Stop thinking black and white and talking blithely about concepts you have a facile grasp of. If you want to participate in a conversation, make a serious attempt to understand it first.

    Here's a Wikipedia link that describes everything wrong with what you wrote. Seek help:

    Delusional Projection: Grossly frank delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.

    Denial: Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist; resolution of emotional conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more unpleasant aspects of external reality.

    Distortion: A gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs.

    Splitting: A primitive defense. Negative and positive impulses are split off and unintegrated. Fundamental example: An individual views other people as either innately good or innately evil, rather than a whole continuous being.

    Extreme projection: The blatant denial of a moral or psychological deficiency, which is perceived as a deficiency in another individual or group.

  16. gonna live forever

    The last comment, starting with "You self-righteous piece of trash." was deleted because it devolved into a personal attack.

    Let's get this discussion back to music and keep it respectful.

  17. Sweatshops are a huge problem in China. Nearly all computers, smartphones and tablets, regardless of vendor, are made in China, either at Foxconn/Hon Hai or places like it. Apple is not a bad company – I used to work there, and they have a supplier code of conduct and company ethics policies which are taken seriously. Apple, HP and Dell each investigated Foxconn and tried to hold them to some level of standards, but it does seem like an ongoing problem that every company that does business with China or large manufacturing companies like Foxconn (which operates worldwide) needs to deal with.

    So, aside from digressions on Chinese labor issues (important as they may be), does anyone have any comments directly relating to the post, e.g. reviews of the iPad app?

  18. It's the worst vocoder I've ever seen. I can't get a single intelligible voice sound to come from it, just static crap.

  19. Yeh iVoxel for iPad is pretty cool. Kraftwerk use their plugin vocoder, I would say they know a great robot voice when they hear one

    And FU to that pompous twat carrying on about Foxconn. Instead of posting here,go do something that will make a change. Hint ..slagging apple won’t help

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