In this video, developer Jim Heintz (Way Out Ware) demos and explains his SynthX software synth for the iPad.
Heintz is also the creator of TimewARP 2600, KikAXXE and several other apps for desktop and iOS.
We had the opportunity to talk with Heintz at the show, and he’s got some interesting plans for SynthX. He didn’t want to set expectations for the update’s release, though, because he’s got some projects for third parties in the works.
if you’ve used SynthX, let us know what you think of it!
And next port that ARP2600 emulation for iPad.
yeah synthx is nice but cĀ“mon man…give us arp. that would sell for any price.
My favorite iOS synth by far.
This thing is underrated.
If it had a prettier use interface, it would be as big as Animoog.
Definitely unjustly ignored,IMO.
One of the most “playable” synths on my iPad. Don’t care for the retro look myself, though I do like how easy it is tweak.