14 thoughts on “Push It Real Good – ‘Flight Of The Bumblebee’ On Ableton Push

  1. Now THAT’S the way to do it! Not everyone can hit that mark, nor do they “have to” for their music to be good, but when someone steps outside the usual or easy use of an electronic instrument, it does the field justice and sets the bar higher. Very well done, because no piece is more of a workout, except for some Conlon Nancarrow ‘songs’ and Eubie Blake’s “Knuckle-Breaker Rag.”

  2. I don’t get it because I’m stupid.. but what about the keys that light up when he’s doesn’t hit them? Is it some kind arpeggio?

  3. I think it’s really cool and he did a great job. there’s clearly a preprogrammed part he’s playing along to and is playing those extra notes. that’s where the cool factor ends. he’s only playing part of the right of flight if the bumblebee with two hands. I’d be more impressed if he was actually doing the whole thing.

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