GarageBand 10.1 Lets You Share Directly To Apple Music Connect


Apple has released an update to GarageBand, version 10.1, that adds new virtual drummers, 100+ new synth presets, the ability to share tracks directly to Apple Music Connect and more.

Here’s what’s new in GarageBand 10.1:

  • 10 new Drummers that produce beats in a variety of electronic music and Hip Hop styles including House, Trap, Techno, Dubstep and more
  • Over 100 EDM and Hip Hop-inspired synthesizer Patches featuring the new Transform Pad Smart Control for sound morphing
  • Record the movements of software instrument Smart Controls to capture performances of effect and tone adjustments
  • 1,000 new Apple Loops from a variety of popular instruments and genres including EDM, Hip Hop, Indie, Disco, Funk, and Blues
  • Share directly from GarageBand to Apple Music Connect (Requires Connect account)
  • Adds support for Force Touch trackpad
  • Resolves an issue which prevented the export of long recordings
  • Contains multiple enhancements to Accessibility

GarageBand is available for US $4.99 in the App Store.

7 thoughts on “GarageBand 10.1 Lets You Share Directly To Apple Music Connect

  1. I didn’t download it because i figure it will just waste a bunch of gigs of my laptop’s ssd. If I just delete Garageband all together it won’t mess up Logic will it? I don’t use that crap, but it came pre-installed. Now don’t get me wrong, getting Garageband pre-installed sure beats the shovelware and nagware that comes pre-installed on, say, a Dell or HP or whatever, but still, I’ve only got 128 gigs, don’t need gigs of dubstep samples.

    1. There are better softwares but Garage Band is a good one. If the DAW define the quality of the music made with it you would probably be busy playing it to your fans right now

  2. I concede most of your points, but remember, GB is mostly either a simple scratchpad or a teaser to upgrade to Logic. You can be perfectly credible within it, but there usually comes a point where you want More. I could never hear another purely EDM patch and like it just fine, but making the Smart Controls more accessible is a worthwhile addition. Let’s give due credit, because there are bound to be people who do simple writing on the fly with GB, port the tracks to Logic at home and start massaging them in the bigger studio environment. Its one idea that makes an iPad seem more useful to me. Could I enjoy a iPad and an Xkey for general travel or party purposes? Bet I could. If it can hold Alchemy, suddenly its not such a minor deal at all. A Portable Music Fantasy BrainFart™.

  3. I did this update – gigabytes be damned! I also updated GB on my iPad, which I use quite a lot.

    For the uninitiated, GB 10.1 for OS-X is Apple’s version of “Logic Pro X Lite”. For example, it shares a similar software engine, has similar-looking screens, supports most of the same plug-ins and functions in a similar fashion to Logic Pro X. However, it also shares Logic Pro X’s major flaw by offering the big program’s less-then-intuitive workflow. Logic Pro X’s workflow takes time to learn, which is fine for serious project studio users. But considering that GB was supposed to the “The DAW of the Common Man”, 10.1’s arcane, Logic-like workflow probably just frustrates newbies and casual users.

    Things get much better for newbies and casual music-makers with GB for iOS, which is an easy-to-use and powerful portable mini-DAW. But I guess Apple was thinking that if they used the iOS GB design for OS-X, then GB 10.1 would be less of a “gateway” DAW to get users to move up to Logic Pro X?

  4. I was a big Logic user and now work mostly in Live, but I am anxious to see what will happen when the touchscreen MBPs come out and see how this will be implemented with Logic. I think that could be a game changer for me. I wouldn’t want to use a touchscreen for everything, but I can think of several application within the DAW environment where it would be very useful and could greatly improve workflow. Just moving around in the arrangement could be much more fluid. Expanding the view of tracks, trimming and cropping audio and controlling the parameters of software instruments that could be expanded to fill the screen would all be welcome features for me. I hope Apple gets it right.

    1. I’m not really sure the “learning curve’ for LPX or GB is any different from most of DAWs. I know a lot of DAW that I learned for myself but also for my previous jobs, and Logic/DB are actually pretty good when it comes down to learning curve regarding workflow. There’s definitely DAW more complicated to get used to for a beginner. I was doing support and other DAW (such Live, Protools, Reaper and such) were definitely harder for beginners to get used to…

      Note that I don’t claim there were hard, nor that DAW x is better than DAW y. Once we know how it works, we can pretty much use whatever we want and it’s perfectly fine. I’m only talking about the “learning curve” to get used to the workflow of a DAW for a beginner.

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