Developer Jan Ostman let us know about a new 8-bit synthesizer project that he’s created, Minimo.
“I got very inspired by the Roland A-01 with it’s 8-bit synth,” notes Ostman.
Here’s a short video preview:
Ostman is documenting the project at his site.
Man you are fast with this stuff, very cool. Real decent sounding filter given the constraints.
Thanks, however not that fast.
The string synth was built last summer, 8 months ago.
This is built now.
What is the possibility of combingin the 8bit synth and the string synth into a single unit?
This is the string synth.
Perhaps with a slightly different DCO and a filter.
But basically the same.
Pro demo…
It’s not like something you can buy?
You have to build it yourself.
Cool Jan, but what is that high-pitched squeal? That’s a recording artifact, I hope, and not coming from the synth. I hope?
I connected the amplifier directly to the PWM pin on the Nano without any kind of filtering.
It’s just the Nano and the keybed, no other components.
Quick and dirty test.
Oh I see. I have done the same thing using an Arduino to drive the CV inputs of my Moog Minitaur.