Polyend Seq Step Sequencer Hands-On Demo


Polyend founder Piotr Raczynski shared a set of video demos, embedded above, for their new Seq hardware step sequencer.

The videos offer an overview of Seq, pattern creation, routing, editing sequences, linking patterns and more 

The Polyend SEQ step sequencer is a 32 step, 8-track polyphonic step sequencer. “The idea behind SEQ was to craft the ultimate hardware step sequencer,” according to the company, “32 steps, 8 polyphonic tracks, 256 pattern storage – all enclosed within the highest quality aluminum and wooden housing.

9 thoughts on “Polyend Seq Step Sequencer Hands-On Demo

  1. What a beautifully designed device!

    The workflow looks efficient and satisfying. This is the first step sequencer that actually got past my “I-hate-hardware-step-sequencers” attitude.

    What fell short for me was:

    1. To use link mode, you have to sacrifice a note in your sequence. Seems like they could have found another way to create a “song/link” mode without eating a voice.

    2. In Track Modes, there’s no way to change/scale the step rate for a given track.
    (e.g, have a track play with 1-16 steps per beat). This would let you set up a track with a true 3, 5, 6 or 7 steps per beat, for example.

    3. In the roll mode, they skipped over 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15 tuplet options.

    Perhaps with firmware updates, they might be able to expand it’s capabilities.

    I’m impressed at the way they implemented per-track velocity-scaling, sub-beat-nudging , directional options, ramps on rolls, and the way they’ve combined the hardware controls intuitively to make editing more speedy.


  2. I disagree. I don´t like the product. Reason: You cannot record chords into a track. Each track is monophonic only! Why, for God´s sake?? There is no point in that, due to the fact that we are talking about a couple of kilobytes more of simple MIDI data, not memory-intensive WAV files.

    1. It’s a good point. I wonder if they might be able to add that in a firmware update. But yea, 4 tracks for drums, 3 tracks for chords, one for melody? A little cramped, that way. But it is what it is.

      I’m kind of surprised they didn’t have a “shift” that revealed the other 8 tracks.

    2. yeah, was thinking the same… if only they have added chords per note and a second set of 8 tracks — i would start consider buying it, even tho it being quite overpriced. great point about sacrificing the note for pattern linking, altho the idea itself is kinda neat, just needs polishing (no pun intended)

  3. Wow, this came together really nicely as a performance instrument for acid jams. Random point playback is a great touch for generative music, so much cooler than ping-pong & reverse. Sample the results & you’d have a song’s worth of ideas in no time.

    As a workaround to use the tracks more efficiently you could set different note values on one track to play kicks, snares & toms individually. Might get a bit complex to look at but it’d work.

  4. No SDcard or so for storing the sequences, which is very disappointing to me. Otherwise this sequencer appeals a lot more to me than the Cirklon.

  5. An ordinary Arturia Keystep is a REAL polyphonic sequencer, i.e. can hold full chords in each single step. This Polyend is not polyphonic, i can only hold one note in each single step. Then rather buy 4 Arturia BeatStep Pro and you can do the same and more!

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