Polivoks Mini Desktop Analog Synthesizer Coming Soon For $500

Vladimir Kuzmin & ELTA Music have announced the Polivoks Mini desktop analog synthesizer.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

The idea for the Polivoks Mini analog synthesizer came into mind in 1990, as the junior version of its older brother, the well-known Polivoks full synth.

The aim was to develop a way simpler and lighter device that has less components, offers the same broad capabilities, and removes possible flows of the Polivoks full synth.

As the result of this research a new minimalistic schematic appeared. It has fewer controls that are compensated by greater functionality. For example, in the Modulator section the Form switch has been replaced by the controller with triangular oscillation in the middle position and sawtooth shape oscillation smoothly increasing/falling in the extreme positions. The controller for the envelope filter input set to zero in the middle position and smoothly increasing its value by turning the knob clockwise while turning the knob counterclockwise increases inverse voltage of the envelope generator.

The main synthesizer sections, such as generator, famous Polivoks filter, multimode envelope generator are essentially the same as Polivoks’s ones and have their unique sound. In addition to that, the main generator of the Polivoks Mini doesn’t require any thermal stabilization and/or adjustment.

In general, the simplified schematic delivers the sound appreciated by wide range of musicians by minimal means but with new capabilities.

Pricing and Availability

The developers say that the Polivoks Mini will be released as a desktop synth module, with integrated USB and MIDI interfaces, priced at US $500. They expect for the new synth to be available in March 2018.

39 thoughts on “Polivoks Mini Desktop Analog Synthesizer Coming Soon For $500

    1. the original is a shoddy plastic case… myself when they say “remove flaws” and “doesn’t require thermal stabilisation” i get very suspicious that they’ve removed everything that made this synth unique and amazing.

    1. Very likely not, though less to do with cost, and more out of a lack of reason for it. If you could pan oscillators, or if there were effects internally that made use of separate channels, then yes, stereo would make sense.

      Otherwise, what you would get out of a synth like this would be a left and right channel that would be identical.

        1. Monosynths shoiud always have one or three oscillators, never two.

          And synthesists that don’t know why should read the writings of Wendy Carlos.

    1. That’s a shame. Going to be hard to really sound right with one osc and a sub.

      Then again, a different sound is good too.

      I look forward to hearing some demos.

  1. Very much like the way it looks. Otherwise: yet another analog mini priced around $500. Can’t beat the M32 (mammy) or 0-coast for me.

    And oh: “the main generator of the Polivoks Mini doesn’t require any thermal stabilization and/or adjustment”. So it’s a DCO, rock-stable but in a single oscillator environment it means it’s characterless.
    Only thing making it of interest then is the Polivoks filter, in case there is an audio in.

  2. That’s one fine looking synth. More recent pics on another synth site look like a finshed Model (with sockets installed) and shows it’s going to be black, not green.

    Shame they didn’t replicate the 2 Osc. If it sounds great, it would be very hard not to buy.

  3. The price is exaggerated. This is the almost the same money as Mother 32 or Treadstone or Erebus – all providing larger sound creation possibilities. The fair price should be about USD250-300.

    1. Maybe they are all providing larger sound creation possibilities, but they are not providing unique Polivoks sound when you need one.

    1. Shruthi aren’t being made anymore, tho. Considering they were DIY and Mutable Instruments stopped producing them over 2 years ago (I think), Shrithi really isn’t much of an option, unless ppl are trying to sell theirs at a markup (“Rare!”), with hobbyist build quality. I don’t think Shruthi had 2 oscs, either. I could be wrong.

        1. I’m so happy to hear about that! I was bummed that Shruthi was discontinued, because I thought I would never get my hands on one. Now that I have a job that pays better… 🙂

    1. “I’ll wait until Behringer clone it, then it’ll be a far better price.”

      And it’ll be garbage build quality – like the ‘D’ and the Deepmind.

      Behringer already had to slash the price on the ‘D’ from $400 to $300, because everybody was cancelling orders because they were sick of waiting and they were switching their orders to the Roland SE-02, which is a way more capable synth.

      And even at $300, the ‘D’ build quality is pretty much trash. LOL how they just shrunk all the knobs and switches to a third of the size of a Minimoogs, instead of redesigning the front with normal-sizes knobs and switches.

      Now it seems like they’re going to have to slash prices on the Deepmind, too, because word is getting out about the crap build quality. Check out this reddit thread:


      I think that’s why you’re seeing Guitar Center trying to clear them out for $699. You’d have to be an idiot to pay more than that now.

      Save your money and graduate to buying pro gear. You won’t regret it!

      1. I’m sorry, but the Behringer D is great and the build quality is great. The Behringer D has a much better build quality than the Roland SE-02. I own both. You would think their prices would be reversed if you went on build quality with the D being the more expensive one.

  4. Just as the sun rises. Just as the tide comes in. If you have a new product announced on Synthtopia, someone will inevitably complain about the price, often before they have actually played (or heard) the product. Frugle synth heads? Whiny babies? You decide!

    At least they’re consistent… :/

    1. I am more annoyed by the over-used and not funny at all, wannabe-joke, “I’ll wait for a Behringer clone”, you can see now under every product announcement.

  5. Serious question: Does the Polivoks have any real great qualities, beyond the Soviet Era kitschiness?

    Like, was it used on any classic tracks that anyone would have heard of?

    Not dissing it or anything – but we’ve all seen the Minimoog, DX7, Pro-Ones, Oberheims, etc in action and have an idea of what they can do. I don’t remember ever seeing anyone play a Polivoks because they choose to.

  6. Why is it that people are turned away by a single oscillator synth, look how many single oscillator styles absolutely own at what they are know for and do best at?

    Lovely bit of kit, very tempting lil’ russian beast

  7. Russian text on the synth, but on their page they have a graphic of the front panel with English text. Hope it’s English text, or they give an option, which I doubt. Seems to be green and black colours. Maybe one will be English? The black one looks cooler though.

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