Waveshaper Media shared this 2011 interview with Muffwiggler forum founder Mike McGrath, who died earlier this week.
Video Summary:
We go back to the I Dream Of Wires archives for our next episode of Waveshaper TV – a 2011 interview with “Muffwiggler” Mike McGrath, founder of the quintessential modular synthesizer forum/community Muff Wiggler, who passed away on April 22 2019.
We put this video together on short notice as a tribute to Mike, the day after his passing. R.I.P. (1974-2019).
There is a few words of wisdom there…
R.I.P. Mike.
“And we’re here, in Ottawa.”
A few weeks ago, Mike was playing a set at a local bookstore/café. He opened our ears, as he did on other occasions.
It’s easy to understand from this video that his passion for all synths wasn’t about showing off. Nor was it about “producing an album”. He was “musicking” in a way which would make Christopher Small proud. Music brings a lot to Canada’s capital, and it’s not just about the Canada Council for the Arts or the National Research Council (where Hugh LeCaine worked the “Electronic Sackbut” among other inventions). It’s also about all sorts of approaches to music which bring joy to all sorts of people, including parents coming back from their government and corporate jobs.
What people may not realize, even with this video, is how patient and kind Mike was. Only interacted with him a few times but he was so genuine in communicating his passion without judgment or expectation. I’ve been involved in teaching at a variety of levels for the past 20 years and I really was taken by how good of a teacher McGrath was when it came to synths. Had he lived long enough to retire, he might have been able to train generations of musicians, synthesizer enthusiasts, and manufacturers.
Really sad news, thanks very much for sharing this.