Casio CZ-1 In-Depth Demo

In this series of videos, Joe Evans (Runningonair) takes an in-depth look at the Casio CZ-1, the flagship synth of Casio’s CZ line.

Most synthesists are familiar with Casio’s CZ line from the Casio CZ-101, which is an entry-level mini key synth from the mid-80’s. Even the CZ-101, though, had some features that are rare on modern synths – like 8-stage envelopes and multi-timbrality.

The  CZ-1 adds features like a full-size keyboard, with velocity and aftertouch, and 16-voice polyphony.

Check out the CZ-1 video series, embedded above, and let us know what you think of this classic Phase-Distortion synthesizer!

10 thoughts on “Casio CZ-1 In-Depth Demo

  1. I enjoyed my CZ-101 as a useful expander, Its basically FM minus the more intense level of programming. It does a lot more if you dig in a little, so the enhanced software versions seem natural. It makes a great partner for anything lo-fi or grainy in particular. It was my first experiment in mini-key hate *and* splitting a synth seriously. I quickly learned that the keys were best used for programming sessions or triggering one-shot/sting things. Great multi-timbral partner, though. I take that for granted in DAWs now, but it was new & hot sh*t at the time. OK BOOMER. Someone had to say it.

    1. I did my first multitrack stuff with a CZ101, DX7, OB-8, and Linndrum. The CZ featured in an equal number of tracks. No slouch at the time! Great percussive’s and thin string sounds.

    2. I am in my 20s and I hate DAWs and VSTs and Plug-ins. I am a hardware guy. I have a CZ-1 myself, and also a 1000 that I am repairing.

  2. I absolutely ADORE the CZ series. After the K2000 series, the CZs are my favorite hardware synths ever. Best envelopes in a synthesizer! I love Serum but I wish it had envelopes like that. And contrary to the DX7 (or even the Poly 800, which was analog and was the other budget heavyweight of the time) the CZ could be VERY beefy.

  3. Annoying as hell. My quest for a CZ1 just got harder. I’ve got a CZ5000 and a VZ10 (amongst others) and they’re great. A very distinctive sound, if a little noisy. Uniqueness is rare and they’ve got it

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