Moog Music has released a free firmware update for their Moog One flagship synthesizer, with new features, updates and bug fixes.
The new features include: an array of new Source and Controller options; new Modulation Matrix capabilities; new Transforms; and Functions, which let you combine Source & Controller in a wide variety of ways.
Moog has also commissioned an album of music by synthesist Lisa Bella Donna, Transformers, that explores the new possibilities of the Moog One update.
You can preview the album below or at Bandcamp:
Here’s what’s new in Moog One v1.3:
- The Modulation Matrix and sequencer modulations are evaluated in a fixed order, for predictable results when using variables. Sequencer modulation lanes are evaluated first, then mod-matrix slots, each in top to bottom order. This allows VARS from the Sequencer to be sent to the modulation matrix. VARS will contain what was previously sent to them for each evaluation cycle and are then cleared for the next cycle.
- You can use the same VAR as the destination for more than one modulation; in this case the values sent to the VAR will be summed, just as with other mod destinations.
- New SOURCE and CONTROLLER options:
- ON/OFF GATE – A logical (on/off) value which is On at note-on, Off at note-off, and is not velocity sensitive.
- TRIGGER GATE – A logical value that switches On and quickly back Off again at note-on, providing a quick trigger that doesn’t stay on when a note is held.
- RANDOM KEYED 1-3 – A new random value is generated on each new key press, and held constant until the next key press. RANDOM KEYED 1, RANDOM KEYED 2, and RANDOM KEYED 3 are independent random-generators, allowing you to generate three unrelated random values per note.
- VAR 1-10 – This uses the value that was previously stored into this variable (see New Mod Destination: Variables, above). For example, if you set VAR 1 as the Destination of a Sequencer Modulation lane, you could then set VAR 1 as a Source in the Mod Matrix and apply a Transform to the sequence, perhaps to apply slew or lag to the sequenced changes before sending them to the destination selected in the mod matrix slot (which could be VAR 2, allowing you to apply further Transforms or Functions in a later modulation slot).
- LOPASS – A lowpass filter. Useful for smoothing and softening modulation, reducing fast changes and rejecting noise. The adjustable parameter is cutoff frequency; higher values give a stronger smoothing effect (lower cutoff frequency).
- HIPASS – A highpass filter. Has the interesting property of allowing fast changes while rejecting constant values (DC). Parameter is cutoff frequency; higher values give a stronger effect (higher cutoff frequency).
- SLEW – Linear Slew; sets a speed limit for how fast a modulation value can change. Parameter is Slew Time; higher values make modulation changes take longer.
- SLEW UP – Linear Slew for rising modulation values only; falling values track the source directly.
- SLEW DOWN – Linear Slew for falling modulation values only; rising values track the source directly.
- S&H – A free-running Sample & Hold function applied to the Source. Controller input. The parameter is sample rate in Hz (times per second).
- BOUNCE – The output of the BOUNCE transform is based on a physics simulation of a falling & bouncing ball. The input signal level sets the initial height of the fall; when the input level decreases, the output starts to free-fall according to the Gravity parameter. If the input goes to zero, then the output will bounce when it hits zero and settle naturally. If the input stays above zero then the output will stick at the input level the next time they cross. You can think of the input level as “catching the ball” if the input is above zero, and then “dropping the ball” if the input goes below the output level.
- New FUNCTION class of TRANSFORMs:All other transforms use SOURCE * CONTROLLER as their input signal, meaning the SOURCE amount is multiplied by the CONTROLLER amount to create a single value. FUNCTIONS allow the Source and Controller to be used as two separate inputs, which can be combined mathematically in many different ways. To select a specific FUNCTION, choose FUNCTION on the top line of the TRANSFORM column, then select one of the following functions from the list on the bottom line of the TRANSFORM column:
- S/(1-C) – The CONTROLLER is subtracted from 1, the SOURCE is divided by the difference
- (S+C)^2 – SOURCE and CONTROLLER are added, and then squared
- SIN(S+C) – SOURCE and CONTROLLER are added, then mapped onto a SINUS function
- TRI(S+C) – SOURCE and CONTROLLER are added, then mapped onto a TRIANGLE function
- SAW(S+C) – SOURCE and CONTROLLER are added, then mapped onto a SAW function
- |S+C| – SOURCE and CONTROLLER are added, and if negative multiplied by -1 to make it positive
- MIN(S,C) – The minimum value of SOURCE or CONTROLLER is used
- MAX(S,C) – The maximum value of SOURCE or CONTROLLER is used
- S AND C – Use SOURCE and CONTROLLER logically, each TRUE when greater than +0.5, both need to be TRUE for the result to be 1
- S OR C – Use SOURCE and CONTROLLER logically, each TRUE when greater than +0.5, either needs to be TRUE for the result to be 1
- QUANTIZE S BY C – SOURCE will be divided into equal quantized steps based on the value of CONTROLLER, ranging between 1 and 16 steps
- SAMPLE S ON C – When CONTROLLER transitions from FALSE to TRUE (> +0.5), SOURCE is sampled and that value is output until the next transition
- SAMPLE S ON ~C – When CONTROLLER transitions from TRUE (> +0.5) to FALSE, SOURCE is sampled and that value is output until the next transition
- TRACK S WHILE C – When CONTROLLER is TRUE (> +0.5), output SOURCE, otherwise output last value of SOURCE
- TRACK S WHILE ~C – When CONTROLLER is FALSE (<= +0.5), output SOURCE, otherwise output last value of SOURCE
- SLEW S OVER C – Slew SOURCE using the rate provided by CONTROLLER
- LOPASS S OVER C – Low pass filter SOURCE using CONTROLLER as the filter cutoff value
- HIPASS S OVER C – High pass filter SOURCE using CONTROLLER as the filter cutoff value
- Iterative functions: For the functions below which use the letter “V”, V is the function’s result value from the previous pass. This allows for feedback and repeating cycles.
- C(S-V) – Subtract V from SOURCE and multiply it with CONTROLLER
- C(V+S) – Add V to SOURCE and multiply it with CONTROLLER
- CV+S – Multiply V with CONTROLLER and add to SOURCE
- (C+1)V+S – Add 1 to CONTROLLER and multiply with V, then add to SOURCE
- V+C(V+S) – Add V to SOURCE and multiply with CONTROLLER, then add to V
- C|V|+S – Take absolute value of V and multiply with CONTROLLER, then add to S
- DIODE(S-C) – Subtract CONTROLLER from SOURCE and bottom clip at 0, which makes the result unipolar
- DIODE(S-C+0.5) – Subtract CONTROLLER from SOURCE and add 0.5, then bottom clip at 0, this shifts the output upwards
- DIODE(S-C-0.5) – Subtract CONTROLLER from SOURCE and subtract 0.5, then bottom clip at 0, this shifts the output downwards
- DIODE(S-C+0.25) – Subtract CONTROLLER from SOURCE and add 0.25, then bottom clip at 0, this shifts the output upwards
- DIODE(S-C-0.25) – Subtract CONTROLLER from SOURCE and subtract 0.25, then bottom clip at 0, this shifts the output downwards
The update is available now from the Moog site.
No one is commenting on the new updates of the best synth every made? I don’t understand because Moog makes some of the best synths. Anyways, I have no idea what Moog is talking about since I don’t own one or have demoed one.
Some people’s best synth of all time is other people’s flatest analog poly of all time. If you check out eBay and reverb it’s certainly in the running for most resold synth of all time.
The problem with the Moog One is that this beast was put on the market way too soon.
I’ll probably buy one in a few years, after all the updates and bugfixes, at a much lower price.
Seems like a great and well needed update. Like yourself, I certainly don’t have one of these. I wish I did, though!
Moog sort of “had to” come up with a modern Memorymoog, the market being the way it is, high and low. It sounds super-creamy & all, but I wouldn’t drop such money on it. A Moog works best as a solo or at least near-solo mono instrument. Its a separate branch of analog all its own. Polyphony confuses the point of Bob’s original idea, to my ear. I’ve owned two good Moogs, so that’s a respectful consideration.
I’m also a bit wary of mega-synths lately. It takes an adept tech to maintain any one of them, so you’d better live where there ARE a few repair options & have money set aside for upkeep, too, as with a CS-80. Its fun to own one, but you can get so much power from modules and laptops now, you have to be super-serious to justify it. I nearly pulled the trigger on a Waldorf Quantum, but I decided I was out of my mind.
me too with the Quantum brakes – it was just so slow to materialise I lost faith in their capacity to fix bugs and do nice updates so I withdrew my order
If you’ve used a Kurzweil Kxxxx series workstation, you understand how powerful these features can be.
I’d bet that a lot of people don’t have any clue what this stuff means, though, and why you should care. Moog should do a video demoing these features and explaining them in basic terms. I would venture that ‘most’ synthesist wouldn’t know what half of these features could be used for.
Totally agree Jert ,Having both K2500Xs,K2000 and a One ,and the potential in them all are mindblowing…….But we need to learned/teached to be able to use them as they are tricky to figure out on your own.
Lisa’s music is awesome, though i suppose she would make a Casio sound good, a great mind behind the machine, though in this case a great mind behind a pretty great machine. big sounds, big synth, big price.
This update is great news. Even if it were ONLY to make the unit more stable, it would be cool. To have all these new features added is amazing. I hope to have one someday. I am feeling more confident about them with the continued support.